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Social Media Policy

Greeley-Evans School district 6 supports the responsible use of social media as a communication tool for the district, schools, and programs and activities within schools. Social media sites are a great way to relay messages, promote events, tell stories, and report activities. We welcome your comments, questions, and concerns on District 6's social media pages. 

By posting on District 6's social media pages, you acknowledge that you, and not D6 are responsible for any and all content that you post, including any content that may be posted in violation of D6's policies or this disclaimer. Accordingly, District 6 reserves the right to hide or delete comments that:

Please note, D6 will only hide posts or comments that meet the criteria identified above or otherwise in violation of D6 policies. Other comments may be hidden by Facebook independent of D6. If you would like to report an inappropriate comment for us to review, please email SCHOOL-COMMUNITYRELATIONS@GREELEYSCHOOLS.ORG

  • Contain confidential student personally identifiable information;

  • Include obscenity, profanity, or vulgar language;

  • Contain malware links;

  • Include personal attacks or threats against an individual or school;

  • Promote Illegal discrimination;

  • Portray conduct that is against the law or advocating illegal activity;

  • Violate copyright, trademark, or intellectual property rights;

  • Are spam or contain links unrelated to the post or unresponsive to other comments;

  • Contain advertising for a service, product, individual or business unrelated to the post or unresponsive to other comments; or

  • Information that may compromise the safety security, or proceedings of D6 or criminal investigations.