English Language Development
Facts about District 6
- Colorado's thirteenth largest school district with a growing English Learner population
- Over 32% of students come from a home where a language other than English is spoken
- 23% of students are considered English Language Learners
District 6 Vision for English Learners
Greeley-Evans School District 6 will empower its students who are learning English as a second language to access their unique cultural and linguistic assets in challenging, supportive learning environments, so they meet and exceed readiness goals for college, career, and civic life, thus graduating and becoming successful Members of the global community.
This vision articulates ambitious goals for English Language Learners. In it, the District envisions a future where all students entering D6 as ELLs graduate as college and career ready, productive and global-minded citizens.
Theory of Action 
Greeley-Evans School District 6 is committed to improving outcomes for all students who are learning English as a second language and attaining the vision for English Language Learners. The Theory of Action lays out an explicitly stated, causal chain of expectations and outcomes to guide how District 6 will improve education outcomes for these students.
- Increase student learning and achievement
- Strengthen partnerships
- Build supportive climate and culture
- Increase organizational and operational effectiveness
Language Development Approach
The goal of the District 6 Language Development Approach is to provide students who learn English as a second language with challenging, personalized, high-quality, rigorous, grade-level standards-based instruction that engages, empowers, and inspires learning every day. Such grade-level standards-based instruction is coherent and anchored in D6's Vision for English Language Learners and the Six Principals for English Language Learner (ELL) Instruction.
Three Domains for English Language Learner Instruction
Each of the following three domains each include two principles of ELL instruction as developed by researchers, practitioners, and other stakeholders through Stanford University's Understanding Language Initiative.
Performance Targets: Milestones for Current & Former English Learners
- Increase annually the EL graduation rate
- Increase in EL enrollment and attainment of Advanced Placement course credits.
- Decrease annually the long-term EL rate in middle and high schools.
- Have 60% of D6 teachers in the process of attaining the D6 Academic Language and Content Achievement Certificate in five years.
- 100% of schools are implementing high yield pedagogical practices and increasing academic discourse in the classroom by year three.