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Security System

With the support of our community and dollars from the 2017 Mill Levy Override, District 6 has been given the opportunity to enhance security District-wide. These enhancements include, the addition of nearly 800 cameras in  highs schools and middle schools and major improvements and additions to the Electronic Access Control System in every District 6 building. District 6 is committed to keeping its students and staff save every day. Some of our security additions are subtle and may go unnoticed by some while others are quite obvious. These additions and improvements are one of many ways we are keeping our staff, students and visitors safe while on District 6 campuses.

Greeley-Evans School District 6 is committed to having a safe, secure, and caring learning environment. Our comprehensive planning for safe schools includes a purposeful connection between physical safety and security and the psychological safety of students.

Identification badges are issued to District staff and certain non-District staff by the Access Control/Security Department. These badges help to identify individuals who have permission and clearance to be in District 6 buildings. The badges also provide access into sites. These procedures outline the steps that will be followed prior to creating an ID badge to ensure the proper credentials are issued, to promote fiscal responsibility and to reinforce a sense of responsibility among staff.

Responsibility of Badge Holder

Report loss of badge immediately to Office Manager, Principal, Supervisor or Access Control/Security Department

Under no circumstances shall anyone who is issued a key or badge be allowed to release or loan their key or badge to anyone for any reason

After hours - It is the badge holders responsibility to ensure the building is locked and secure when leaving.
Badge and/or keys remain the property of District 6 and shall be returned at end of employment/contract

DO NOT WRITE YOUR PIN ON YOUR BADGE. Should a badge be lost, an unauthorized person could get access to a site if the PIN is written on the badge.

DO NOT CARRY YOUR KEYS ON THE SAME LANYARD AS YOUR BADGE. This is especially important for Master Key carriers, because this provides access to the ENTIRE building.

Badges should be worn at all times while in District 6 buildings.