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Contractor/Non-District Staff

Authorized District contractors and other non-District staff needing access to sites shall coordinate their needs/requests through their Project Manager or other direct District contact to receive authorization and security credentials. All contractors and non-district personnel must have a District-issued badge or a Raptor name badge on them at all times while in District 6 facilities.

The Project Manager or other District contact shall submit a work order requesting a badge and access to all pertinent information

Once the information is received by the Access Control Department they will:

  • Verify the request was approved by authorized personnel
  • Verify that the areas authorized for access do not have restrictions; if so, additional information may be required.
  • Create the badge
  • Program the card with the appropriate access privileges.
  • Deliver the new ID/Access Badge to the site Project Manager or Other District Contact.

Upon receipt of the Contractor Badge, the Contractor will be required to complete a form requesting some additional information as well as their signature acknowledging their receipt of the badge and the terms of having such badge.

The badge must be returned to their Project Manager or other District contract at the end of the Contract. The badge remains the property of Greeley-Evans School District 6

Report a lost or stolen badge immediately to your Project Manager or other District contact.  Contractors are subject to a background check and may be asked to provide identification when entering any District 6 building.  Should a badge become broken or otherwise not working, make a report to the Project Manager or other District contact and a replacement will be created.