Medicaid, CHP+, and Private Insurance Resources
Weld County Resources
Weld County offers many resources to help with a variety of issues ranging from medical equipment, food, prescription assistance, parenting and more.
Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment
Address: 1555 N. 17th Ave., Greeley, CO 80631
Phone: 970-304-6420
Private Health Insurance Resources:
To obtain Private Insurance, please visit CONNECT FOR HEALTH COLORADO.
Colorado Medicaid is public health insurance for families, children, pregnant women, persons who are blind or persons with disabilities and the elderly for Colorado residents. Family Medicaid and CHP+ are public health insurance programs for families, children and pregnant women. When you apply, you are applying for both Family Medicaid and CHP+. The program you qualify for depends upon family size, income and the age of the applicant.
To get assistance with completing the application or if you have questions, the following resources are available:
Kids Care Clinic at Centennial Elementary
Phone: 970-348-1112
Weld County Health Department
Healthy Communities Program
Phone: 970-304-6420 ext. 2327
United Way
Phone: Dial 211 on your phone.
Medicaid Bus
There is a Medicaid bus that will transport a family to and from medical appointments. ADvance notice (3 days) is needed. Busiest hours are 10am - 1pm, and 3pm - 5pm.
Prior to an appointment, please call at least 3 working days in advance and have the following information available: Medicaid number, Social Security number, address (location to be picked up and delivered to), phone number, accessibility (wheelchairs, car seat needs, etc.)
Medicaid bus information for the Greeley area: Call 970-304-6403
CHP+ (Child Health Plan Plus)
Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) is low-cost health insurance for Colorado's uninsured children and pregnant women. CHP+ is public health insurance for children and pregnant women who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but cannot afford private health insurance. For more information and application, visit the COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CARE POLICY AND FINANCING.
To get assistance with completing the application or if you have questions, the following resources are available:
Kids Care Clinic at Centennial Elementary
Phone: 970-348-1112
Weld County Health Department
Healthy Communities Program
Phone: 970-304-6420 ext. 2327
United Way
Phone: Dial 211 on your phone.