Meet the HR Team
Annette Overton
Supports: Administrative/Professional/Technical employees, District Leadership Team, Legal
Employee Relations
Staffing support
GEA/Master Contract
Board of Education
Kristina Crain
Supports: APT, Certified, and Classified Staff at Administration Complex, Bella Romero Academy, Chappelow Arts Magnet, District 6 Online Academy, Family Center, Fred Tjardes School of Innovation, James Madison STEAM Academy, Preschool, District-wide Special Education, Tointon Academy, Winograd K-8
Leaves of Absence
Matthew Thompson
Supports: Certified Staff at Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, and High Schools/Programs
Horizontal Advancement
Student Teachers and Practicum Placements
Substitutes (Certified and Classified)
Scott Gray
Supports: Classified Staff at Custodial, Facilities, HR, IT, Nutrition Services, Transportation, and Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, and High Schools/Programs
Alison Pilgrim
Supports: Certified and Classified Substitutes/Guest Teachers
Leaves of Absence
Sussel Ibarra Mesta
Supports: Administration Building, Ann K. Heiman Elementary School, Brentwood Middle School, Custodial, Early Childhood Program, Greeley West High School, S. Christa McAuliffe STEM Academy, Scott Elementary School, Special Education, University Schools
Cynthia Szabo
Supports: Bella Romero Academy, Early College Academy, Fred Tjardes School of Innovation, Greeley Central High School, Nutrition Services, Tointon Academy
Alexa Tena
Supports: Chappelow Arts Magnet K-8 School, District 6 Online Academy, Facilities, Greeley-Evans Alternative Program, Information Technology, Jackson Elementary School, Jefferson High School, Jefferson Junior High School, Monfort Elementary School, Platte Valley Youth Services, Poudre Learning Center, Prairie Heights Middle School, Shawsheen Elementary School, Warehouse, Winograd K-8 School
Heidi Troutman
Supports: Billie Martinez Elementary School, Centennial Elementary School, CTE Center, Dos Rios Elementary School, Franklin Middle School, Heath Middle School, Madison Elementary School, Maplewood Elementary School, Meeker Elementary School, Northridge High School, Transportation