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Student Teachers

Picture of students being taught in the classroom.


Student Teaching Information

Thank you for starting your teaching career with us in District 6!

Application Process

  1. Submit student teaching application to the college or university (follow the college/university process).
  2. The College or University will submit a request with required documentation to THE CERTIFIED HR DIRECTOR in the Human Resources Department. 
  3. Human Resources then attempts to make the requested placement(s).
  4. The Principal and potential cooperating teacher may call and request an interview or more information from the student teacher prior to accepting placement. 
  5. Human Resources will contact the college or university to notify them whether the student teacher placement has been confirmed.
  6. Once the student teacher has been placed, they will need to apply online to the DISTRICT CERTIFIED SUBSTITUTE (GUEST TEACHER) POSTING and apply for a 1 year or 3 year substitute authorization through the COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.
  7. Begin the student teaching experience.