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Instructions for Guest Wireless

If you'd like to connect to our secure guest network, open your wi-fi settings, and select WCSD6-Guest-Secure. It will ask you for a username and password. Please enter your district username and password. Do not include "" If you're on an iPhone, follow the instructions from the images below. If you're on an Android, follow the instructions from the images below. Users who have an Android with Android 11 may not be able to connect to the network at this time. 


  1. Select the WCSD6-Guest-Secure wi-fi network. 
  2. Enter your district username and password. do not include ""
  3. Click "Trust" to connect to the wi-fi network. Your iPhone will autojoin this network in the future. 


  1. Select the WCSD6-Guest-Secure wi-fi network. 
  2. Please enter your district username and password. Do not include "".
  3. Click on EAP and select PEAP.
  4. Click on CA certificate and select "Don't Validate".