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Emergency Communications

Emergency Communication

Keeping parents, students, and staff informed

Greeley-Evans School District 6 is dedicated to providing our students, families, and staff with accurate information as soon as possible. In some situations, accurate information may take time to verify prior to sharing. 

We will notify family members via multiple communication avenues:

Emergency Alerts

When the Standard Response Protocol is activated at your child's school, school has been delayed, or schools have been closed, Greeley-Evans School District 6 will send an emergency alert via phone, text, and email messaging. You will be notified based on the notification preferences you have chosen during school registration. If you would like to update your contact information and notification preferences, please contact your student's school or STUDENT INFORMATION SERVICES

Initial notifications may not include many details until accurate information has been gathered. Additional updates will be sent as information becomes available. 

Your Role

During an emergency, the natural instinct of parents or guardians is to come to the school and protect their children. However, coming to the school may endanger themselves and their children. Law enforcement and school personnel are trained on how to respond to the situation. The arrival of parents and guardians may interfere and distract personnel from adequately responding to the emergency. Please help by following the steps below. 

  1. Stay Home: The most important contribution you can make to your student and your own safety may be staying away from the school.
  2. Stay Informed: Information will be shared with families as soon as possible. Please know, in some situations, accurate information may take some time to verify and share.
  3. Be Ready: Be prepared to follow instructions from Greeley-Evans School District 6.