Some links are good resources for every student, so it is advised that you view all the general topics, as well as your specific disability.
Should you find that a resource needs to be edited, listed, or removed, feel free to contact Lauren Maxey, Administrative Assistant, to make any changes: 970-348-6103
- Advocacy and Support Group
- Autism and Asperger Resources
- Behavioral and Mental Health Resources
- Cerebral Palsy
- Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Vision Impairment Resources
- Down Syndrome
- Education and Rights
- Employment Services
- Food
- Learning Disability
- Medical
- Respite Care and Independent Living
- Transportation
- Traumatic Brain Injury
Advocacy and Support Group
Arc of Weld County
5312 W 9th St Dr #150
Greeley, CO 80634
Fax: 970-506-2726
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
To improve the quality of life for people with developmental disabilities by working towards a community where each individual is valued and appreciated.
Programs and Services Provided
- Individual advocacy for children, adults and families
- Provide information and referral to local resources
- Advocacy and monitoring
- Assist parents in securing early intervention, IEPs and appropriate educational services
- Resource library
- Informative workshops
- Parent training and workshops
- People first
- Speakers bureau
- Public awareness and education
- Family Support and Outreach
- Consumer Advisory Committee
- Project Illumination
Eligibility Requirements
- Must reside in Weld County
- Any individual with a developmental disability, related to, or care about those with developmental disabilities
Application Process
- Call Larry McDermott for more information
Cost for Services
- Services are free of charge
- ARC memberships are available for as little as $5 a year and entitle you to the newsletters, among other benefits
- For Spanish speaking families, only call in advance to arrange for translation services
People First of Weld County
To help empower all people who have disabilities; to work with people with people without disabilities to help them understand, support, and respect the rights and abilities of people who have disabilities.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Monthly meetings
- Education for individuals and professional organizations
- Attend State and National Conferences
- Work on legislation
- Advocacy and support group
- Dances twice a month
- Additional social activities and special events
Eligibility Requirements:
- N/A
Application Process:
- For information pertaining to any People First activities, contact the People First Advisor: Bill Hirsch at 970-539-4960.
Cost for Services:
- $5 per year
Child Advocacy Resource and Education, Inc. (CARE)
3700 Golden St
Evans, CO 80620
Office: 970-356-6751
Fax: 970-506-2726
Hours of Operation:
- Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Classes and services at varied time
To strengthen and preserve families while protecting children from abuse and neglect
Programs and Services Provided:
- Parent training classes
- Conflict resolution
- Communication skills
- Anger management
- Child development
- Prevention education
- Community education
- Safe touch
- Home based program
- Young parent program
- N/A
Family Connects
1801 16th St.
Greeley, CO 80631
Office: 970-330-3842
Toll Free: 1-800-745-1809
Fax: 970-330-4043
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Aid in the identification of children, birth to 5 years (prior to schooling), who may require specialized services, support families with children, birth to age 3, who have been identified with special needs, and provide aid in the development and access to appropriate community supports.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Parents as Teachers Home Visitation Project (PAT)
- Early Childhood Mental Health Services
- Early Childhood Consultation Services
- Referrals and resource information
- Parent education
Eligibility Requirements:
- Child identification with mental health concerns: birth to age 5
- Referrals from physician, hospital, school, parent or other concerned individuals
Application Process
- Varies for each program. Call for information.
Parent to Parent of Colorado
801 Yosemite St.
Denver, CO 80230
Toll Free: 877-472-7201
A parent initiated, parent controlled, organized group that builds inclusive communities, takes effective and constructive group action, and supports each other on the journey of parenting our sons and daughters with special health care needs or disabilities.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Toll free information and referral line in English and Spanish
- Quarterly newsletter
- "Parent only" internet discussion groups
- Matching to connect parents with veteran parents (our Parent Partners)
- Parent Partner Training
- Statewide updates on events, conferences and local resources
- Referral to parent support/cluster groups throughout the state
- Training to set up support/cluster groups
- Legislative action alerts
- A low-cost annual Family Enrichment Event held every fall
- Opportunities for families to participate in developing and changing public policy
- Annual Mother's Tea in conjunction with sister organizations
- Hot topics including SSI, Employment, Self-Determination, Waivers and more
Eligibility Requirements:
- N/A
Application Process:
- Register via website
Cost for Services:
- N/A
PEAK Parent Center
917 E Moreno Ave #140
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Phone: 719-531-9400
Parent Advisors: 1-800-284-0251 or PARENTADVISOR@PEAKPARENT.ORG
Fax: 719-531-9452
Denver Community Parent Resource Center
1212 Mariposa St. Suite 6
Denver, CO 80204
Office: 3030-864-1900
Fax: 3030-864-0035
To ensure that children, youth and adults with disabilities lead rich, active lives, participate as full members of their schools and communities: to provide training, information,and technical assistance to families and the professionals working with them.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Training workshops for parents and teachers
- Information and referral via 800 holine (1-800-284-0251)
- Conferences
United Way of Weld County
Mailing Address: PO Box 1944, Greeley, CO 80632
Location: 814 9th St., Greeley, CO 80631
Office: 970-353-4300
Helpline: 1-800-559-5590
Fax: 970-353-4738
We bring the community together to improve the lives of people in Weld County. We connect people in need with the services that can help them achieve stability not just for the moment but for life.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Helps facilitate community problem-solving groups
- Weld County Abuse Coalition
- Promises for Children
- Early childhood collaborative
- Housing and Emergency Services Network
- Children's Health Plan
- Resource support
- Operates internal community service programs
- Helpline
- Family Support Network
- Bright Beginnings
- Child Care Resource and Referral
- Volunteer Resource Center
Eligibility Requirements:
- N/A
Application Process:
- N/A
Cost for Services:
- N/A
Parents Encouraging Parents
State of Colorado Department of Education (ESLU)
1560 Broadway, Suite 1175
Denver, CO 80202
Office: 303-866-6694
Fax: 303-866-7060
To encourage and provide information to parents of children with disabilities.
Programs and Services Provided:
- The two and one-half day PEP conference for parents and professionals. For more information, please view website calendar.
- Large Group Sessions
- Parenting a Child with a Disability and Rebuilding Dreams
- The Law and the Education of Children with Disabilities
- Early Childhood - Resources and Supports
- The Individualized Education Program (IEP)
- Transition IEP
- Small Group Sessions
- Advocacy
- Friendships
- Men Only
- Questions for Your Doctor
- Positive Behavior Supports
Eligibility Requirements:
- Any parent within the state of Colorado who has a child with a disability, from birth to age twenty-one
Application Process:
- Apply for conferences via website
Cost for Services:
- Call for more information
Colorado Division for Developmental Disabilities
Phone: 3030-866-7450
Division for Developmental Disabilities (DDD)
- The DDD is the State office that provides leadership for the direction, funding and operation of services to persons with developmental disabilities within Colorado. DDD services are administered under the Office of Long Term Care of the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS). State leadership and oversight includes: policy, planning, program development, budget development, program operation guidelines and technical assistance, training, determination of funding needs, setting priorities, contracting and allocation of resources, review of services and funding utilization, program quality, monitoring, and evaluation, and management information. These functions are performed in concert with service providers, advocacy groups, and consumers and their families.
- The mission for Colorado's Division for Developmental Disabilities is to join with others to offer the necessary supports with which all people with developmental disabilities have their rightful chance to:
- Be included in Colorado community life
- Make increasingly responsible choices
- Exert greater control over their life circumstances
- Establish and maintain relationships and a sense of belonging
- Develop and exercise their competencies and talents
- Experience personal security and self-respect
- Home and Community Based Services - Children's Extensive Support (HCBS-CES)
- This program serves children (birth through age 17) who have significant medical and/or behavioral needs. These children are at high risk of out-of-home placement and require near constant line-of-sight supervision due to one or more of the following: self injurious or self-endangering behavior or medical condition which, without intervention, will result in a life threatening condition or situation; a demonstrated pattern of serious aggression toward self, others or property; or constant vocalizations which are significant disruption to family life.
- Early Intervention (EI) Services
- Early Intervention Services provide infants and toddlers from birth through age two and their families with services and supports to enhance child development in the areas of cognition, speech, communication, physical development, motor development, vision, hearing, social and emotional development, self-help sills; parent-child interaction; and early identification, screening and assessment services.
- Family Support Services Program (FSSP)
- Family Support Services assist families with costs beyond those normally experienced by other families without children with a developmental disability, and to avoid or delay costly out of home placements.
- Family Support Loan Fund
- Provides access to short-term low interest rate loans for families who maintain a family member with a disability in the home.
Visit the website or call the division for more information regarding eligibility.
Guardianship Alliance of Colorado
801 Yosemite St.
Denver, CO 80230
For information:
Guardian Coordinator
Phone: 303-228-5382
The Guardianship Alliance of Colorado believes that all persons are entitled to lives of respect and dignity with freedom to exercise their rights and make their own decisions to the fullest extent of their abilities. The mission of the Alliance is to assure that these rights are protected and that appropriate decision-making support is available to adults in Colorado with seriously impaired decision-making capacity.
- Volunteer Guardian Program
- Guardian Training classes
- Guardianship Petition Assistance classes
- Information nd Referral Services
- Presentations and In-Service Training
Membership is open to all interested persons. Members of the Guardianship Alliance play a vital role in helping our services to continue and reach more of Colorado's citizens.
Member benefits include:
- Information and Referral services and assistance
- Reduced fees for training and seminars
- A newsletter with current information about substitute decision-making for adults
- For Organization Members, one free in-service training of presentation per year
- The satisfaction of being part of a progressive and effective program serving our most vulnerable fellow citizens
National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY)
1825 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20009
Toll Free: 1-800-695-0285
Phone: 202-884-8200
Fax: 202-884-8441
NICHCY is the center that provides information to the nation on:
- disabilities in children and youth
- programs and services for infants, children, and youth with disabilities
- IDEA, the nation's special education law
- research-based information on effective practices for children with disabilities
- Specific disabilities
- Early intervention services for infants and toddlers
- Special education and related services for children in school
- Research on effective educational practices
- Resources and connections in every state
- IEPs (Individualized Education Programs)
- Parent materials
- Disability organizations
- Professional associations
- Education rights and what the law requires
- Transition to adult life
Autism and Asperger Resources
Colorado Department of Education
Assist with the identification of Autism Spectrum Disorders and to provide resources.
Autism Society of Colorado
550 S. Wadsworth Blvd. Suite 100
Lakewood, CO 80226
Office: 720-214-0794
Fax: 720-274-2744
To promote quality of life for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families by expanding options, helping to safeguard their rights and enhancing community awareness and understanding.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Information and referrals
- Quarterly newsletter
- Respite Fund
- Parent and family support groups
- Conferences and workshops
- Scholarships for conferences
Eligibility Requirements:
- N/A
Application Process:
- Membership application to be filled out on website or in-office
Cost for Services (Per Year Membership Fee):
- $30.00 for Individual Membership
- $40.00 for Family Membership
- $50.00 for Outside of the USA
- $100.00 for Professional Membership
- $500.00 for Agency Membership
- $1,500.00 for Lifetime Membership
Autism Society of Boulder County
P.O. Box 270300
Louisville, CO 80027-5004
Phone: 720-272-8231
The Autism Society of boulder County seeks to help individuals with autism spectrum disorders and their families by developing a strong and united community, which in turn empowers us to advocate at local and state levels. To promote such community, we:
- create opportunities for families to connect with each other, to share experiences and resources, and to build new relationships that enrich their lives
- support communication and continuing education among local service providers, schools and families
- support programs for our adolescent and adult populations to expand their opportunities
When a local family receives an autism diagnosis for their child, the Autism Society of Boulder County (ASBC) is often the first organization to which they turn to find therapists, navigate government agencies, learn about the latest research and connect with others in similar circumstances. This organization, comprised solely of volunteers:
- staffs phone support year-round to respond to information requests in a timely fashion
- hosts a lecture series that brings in recognized experts to educate its members
- partners with the Boulder Valley School District to craft autism training workshops for educators
- provides respite funds for families
- sends out timely news updates via a bi-monthly e-newsletter and Facebook feeds
- updates its website with a resource list of area service providers
- hosts monthly support groups for parents, young adults and Spanish-speaking populations
- posts timely legislative alerts and news
Autism Society of Larimer County
Phone: 970-377-9640
The Mission of the Autism Society of Larimer County is to serve as a resource for individuals and families affected by autism spectrum disorder by providing information, advocacy, public awareness activities and promoting the development of services and resources throughout Larimer County.
- Support groups
- Information on local and national resources
- Holds various events
Autism Society of America
4340 East-West Hwy, Suite 350
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
- Information about Autism
- Annual national conference
- Research and latest news on autism
Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support (OASIS)
The Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support (OASIS) center has joined with MAAP Services for Autism and Asperger Syndrome to create a single resource for families, individuals, and medical professionals who deal with the challenges of Asperger Syndrome, Autism, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder/Not Otherwise Specified (PDD/NOS).
Behavioral and Mental Health Resources
Colorado Department of Education
Help with identification of emotional disabilities and provide resources.
North Range Behavioral Health
1300 N 17th Ave
Greeley, CO 80631
Office: 970-347-2120
Emergency: 970-347-2120
Fax: 970-392-1354
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
To support and assist individuals, families, and community agencies, in dealing with mental health issues.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Outpatient mental health services and programs
- Adult outpatient program
- Child and family outpatient program
- Individual focus and support groups
- Community support program
- Peer counseling for seniors
- Vocational services
- Residential services
- Clubhouse services
- Special services
- Inpatient services and programs
- Acute treatment unit
- Children's acute treatment unit
- Emergency mental health care
- Emergency inpatient for substance abuse
- Consumer services
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be a resident of Weld County
Application Process:
- Call for more information
Cost for Services:
- Fees are based on ability to pay
- Insurance accepted and there are no fees for persons on Medicaid
Perklen Center for Psychotherapy
2619 W 11th St. Rd.AppGreeley, CO 80634
Office: 970-353-8171
To provide individual and group therapy services that includes victim's issues, emotional distress, and anger managemetn for individual, family, couples and adolescents.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Approved Domestic violence
- Family offender treatment provider
- Couples
- Sex specific psychotherapy
- Victims' issues
- General mental health
Eligibility Requirements:
- None
Application Process:
- Call for more information
Cost for Services:
- Call for more information
EMPOWER Colorado
Phone: 1-866-213-4631
EMPOWER COLORADO is an organization run by families; we offer support, education, advocacy and resources to families with children and youth who have social, emotional or mental health challenges. Families are stronger when they unite; it is the same for us. We have formally partnered with other organizations; each has a unique focus and expertise so by working together we are more able to help families with their many different needs as well as reducing the number of outside referrals.
- Support is offered through our support groups; in addition, we have an online listserv with over 400 families around the state.
- Education is done through our support groups and online listserv. We also have a 7 week education curriculum called "Empowering Families Through the Diagnostic Journey".
- Advocacy efforts include working i collaboration with other organizations for change; referral to education advocates, and mentoring for those who wish to work in advocacy.
- Partnerships listings.
Colorado Chapter, Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health
7475 West Fifth Avenue, Suite 307
Lakewood, CO 80226
Phone: 303-831-1199 ext. 103
Toll Free: 1-888-429-3369
The Federation for Families for Children's Mental Health - Colorado Chapter (Colorado Federation) is a family-driven and family-run non-profit organization that provides for the "Family Voice" in Colorado's behavioral health care system through advocacy, leadership, technical assistance, and collaboration. The Colorado Federation was founded in 1993 as a result of a partnership between families of youth with mental health issues, the Mental Health Association of Colorado, and the Colorado Department of Mental Health's Child and Adolescent Service System Program.
- Support network
- Training opportunities
- Resources for families
Contact Colorado Chapter for more details.
The Balanced Mind Foundation
55 E Jackson Blvd, Suite 490
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: 800-826-3632
The Balanced Mind Foundation guides families raising children with mood disorders to the answers, support and stability they seek.
The Balanced Mind Foundation envisions a world where children living with mood disorders thrive because their families have the resources, community and support they need.
- Forums, blogs, help line, and support groups
- Education through webinars, trainings, newsletters, and resource links
Mental Health America of Colorado
1120 Lincoln Street Suite 1606
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 720-208-2220
Mental Health America of Colorado is the recognized leader, collaborating to promote mental health, expand access to services and transform systems of healthcare.
We envision a healthy Colorado free of stigma and discrimination where every person has full access to high quality services for all mental health and substance abuse conditions.
- Suicide Prevention:
- Colorado consistently ranks in the top 10 states for high suicide rate. MHAC brings people together to develop initiatives that save lives.
- Check Your Head
- The program uses elements of hip hop to address issues such as self identity, peer presssure, depression and suicide.
- Pro Bono Counseling and Referral Program
- MHAC understands taht language is a barrier to mental health treatment.
- Colorado Mental Wellness Network
- Recognizing advocacy efforts that advance mental health and reduce stigma.
- Public policy initiatives
- Advocacy
National Alliance for the Mentally, Colorado Chapter
3333 S Bannock St.
Englewood, CO 80110
Phone: 303-321-3104
- Free Education Classes
- Connection
- NAMI Connection is a recovery support group program for adults living with mental illness that is expanding in communities throughout the country.
- These groups provide a place that offers respect, understanding, encouragement, and hope.
- In Our Own Voice
- In Our Own Voice (IOOV) is a unique public education program developed by NAMI, in which two trained individuals share compelling personal stories about living with mental illness and achieving recovery. IOOV is an opportunity for those who have struggled with mental illness to gain confidence and to share their individual experiences of recovery and transformation.
- Colorado Visions
- The Colorado Visions program provides five weeks of education and support to family members and caregivers of children and adolescents afflicted with a mental illness or serious emotional disorder collectively described as "brain disorders". Colorado Visions is a must-do for those who face the day-to-day challenges of taking care of their children or adolescents.
- Support Groups
- Legal Assistance
- General Emergency Assistance
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
55 E Jackson Blvd, Suite 490
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: 800-826-3632
Fax: 312-642-7243
DBSA provides hope, help, support, and education to improve the lives of people who have mood disorders.
- Information on various mood disorders
- Trainings and events
- Support groups
- Education on wellness
- Latest news on mood disorders
Cerebral Palsy
Ability Connection Colorado
801 Yosemite St.
Denver, CO 80230
Phone: 303-691-9339
To create, support, and encourage inclusive opportunities for Coloradans of all abilities and their families with the emphasis on diversity, dignity, quality of life, and the advancement of human potential.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Creative Options Center for Early Education
- Employment Works
- Statewide Services
- Information and Referral
- Public Policy Analysis
- Community Education
Eligibility Requirements:
- Call for more information
Cost for Services:
- Call for more information
Cerebral Palsy Association of Colorado Springs
1322 N Academy Blvd #115
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Phone: 719-638-0808
To provide financial, emotional and community support to individuals with cerebral palsy and their families. To ensure individuals with cerebral palsy are provided equal opportunities and access to an array of services. To promote independence, social awareness and inclusion in community life. To educate the public regarding all aspects of cerebral palsy.
- Financial assistance with physical, occupational, speech and horseback therapies.
- Financial assistance with purchases of equipment and other orthotic appliances.
- Assistance with medical expenses and emergency situations.
- Lending closet of adaptive equipment.
- Public education through speakers and printed material.
- Family support.
- Financial assistance with "camperships" and recreational activities.
- Resources and referrals.
- Awareness programs in public schools.
United Cerebral Palsy
1825 K Street NW Suite 600
Washington, DC 20006
Phone: 800-872-5827
Website: UPC.ORG
UCP and its nearly 100 affiliates have a mission to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with a spectrum of disabilities by providing services and support to more than 176,000 children and adults every day - one person at a time, one family at a time. UCP works to enact real change - to revolutionize care, raise standards of living and create opportunities - impacting the lives of millions living with disabilities.
- Public outreach and education
- UCP Affiliates provide services such as housing, physical therapy, assistive technology training, early intervention services, individual and family support, social and recreational programs, community living, state and local referrals, employment, employment assistance and advocacy.
- Resources and links
- Involved in public policy
Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Vision Impairment Resources
Colorado Department of Education
Assist with identification of deaf, hard of hearing, and vision impairments; also to provide resources.
24 Hour Sign Language
Phone: 888-811-2424
Website: 24HRSLS.COM
To provide qualified, professional interpreters 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Programs and Services Provided:
Qualified, professional interpreters 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Eligibility Requirements:
- N/A
- Serving southern Wyoming and Colorado
Application Process:
- N/A
- Call for more information
Cost for Services:
- Call for more information
American Council of the Blind of Colorado
1536 Wynkoop St. Suite 203
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 303-831-0117
Website: ACBCO.ORG
To promote independence, equality, and opportunities for blind and visually impaired individuals in the state of Colorado.
Programs and Services Provided:
- The Children's Braille Book Program
- Educational Scholarships to Visually Impaired Students
- Toll Free ACBCO Hotline for Information and Referral Services
- Support Network/Peer Counseling
- Quarterly Newsletter: Sixth Sense
- Lectures
- Public Awareness Seminars
- Presentations of Information Regarding Adaptive Aids and Equipment
- Legislative Information Concerning the Blind and Visually Impaired
- Seminars & Workshops
- Annual Convention
- Sight for Seniors
- Vision Link Support Groups
- Peer Mentoring Program
Eligibility Requirements
- Visual Impairment
Application Process:
- Apply online or call for an application
Cost for Services:
- $10 per year for membership
Colorado Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CCDHH)
1575 Sherman St. Garden Level
Denver, CO 8003
Phone: 720-457-3679
The Colorado Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is to be the nation's leader in promoting equal opportunities for Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals, families, and communities while empowering them to be safe and independent.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Information and Referral Assistance
- Education and Training Program
- System Level Advocacy
- Telecommunications Equipment Distribution Program
- Legal Auxiliary Services
- Grant Programs
Eligibility Requirements
- N/A
Application Process:
- N/A
Cost for Services:
- N/A
National Federation of the Blind of Colorado (Greeley Chapter)
Lincoln Park Library
919 7th St.
Greeley, CO 80631
Meetings: 3rd Saturday of the month starting at 11:30 a.m.
Contact: JJ Aragon, President
Phone: 720-350-3999
To help blind persons achieve self-confidence and self-respect and to act as a vehicle for collective self expression by the blind and to achieve widespread emotional acceptance and intellectual understanding that the real problem of blindness is not the loss of eyesight but the misconceptions and lack of information which exist.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Public education about blindness
- Information and referral services
- Scholarships
- Literature and publications about blindness
- Aids, appliances and other adaptive equipment for the blind
- Advocacy services and protection of civil rights
- Development and evaluation of technology
- Support for blind persons and their families
Eligibility Requirements:
- Call for more information
Application Process:
- Call for more information
Cost for Services:
- Call for more information
Colorado Families for Hands and Voices
Phone: 720-598-2648
Hands and Voices is dedicated to supporting families with children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing without a bias around communication modes or methodology. We're a parent-driven, non-profit organization providing families with the resources, networks, and information they need to improve communication access and educational outcomes for their children. Our outreach activities, parent/professional collaboration, and advocacy efforts are focused on enabling Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing children to reach their highest potential.
- Training
- Advocacy
- Charter start up assistance
- Deaf education reform
- Resources
Anchor Center for Blind Children
2250 Roslyn St.
Denver, CO 80238
Phone: 303-377-9732
The mission of Anchor Center for Blind Children is to teach visually impaired infants, young children and their families, providing hope and a nurturing environment where children reach their highest potential. Visit the website or call to learn more information about services, eligibility, and costs.
Down Syndrome
Mile High Down Syndrome Association
7200 E Hampden Ave #301
Denver, CO 80224
Phone: 303-797-1699
Website: RMDSA.ORG
To enhance the quality of life for all individuals with Down Syndrome by providing resources and support to those individuals, their families, professionals and the community.
Programs and Services Provided:
- New parents packet and information
- Parent support
- Grandparent support and information
- Newsletters
- Library and resources
- Research
- Healthcare partnerships and referrals
- Advocates and self-advocates
- Legislative advocacy
- Meetings and social events
- Buddy walk
Eligibility Requirements:
- N/A
Application Process:
- Call for more information
Cost for Services:
- Call for more information
Colorado Springs Down Syndrome Association
PO Box 2364
Colorado Springs, CO
Phone: 719-633-1133
Website: CSDSA.ORG
Providing support and encouragement to families of children with down syndrome. That is our primary mission here at the Colorado Springs Down Syndrome Association (CSDSA)!
- Materials for Expectant Parents
- Materials for New Parents
- Education about services for individuals with Down Syndrome from birth through adulthood
- A collection of other Resources at the local and national level
- Assistance with financial concerns
- Advocates to provide comfort and strength
- Support Groups
- New parent Group
- Family Social Group
- Spanish
- Teen and Young Adult Group
- The Adult Group
National Down Syndrome Congress
Toll Free: 800-232-6372
The NDSC works to empower its members and all people with Down Syndrome by creating a national climate in which all people will recognize and embrace the value and dignity of people with Down Syndrome. This purpose is enhanced by the commitment of NDSC to do the following: Promote availability and accessibility to a full range of opportunities and/or resources that meet individual and family needs.
- Build a sense of community and fellowship for all people with Down Syndrome.
- Provide leadership in the formation of public policy
- Provide ethically responsible research related to all aspects of Down Syndrome
- Educate professionals, parents and the community in all aspects relating to Down Syndrome
- Foster self-advocacy and acknowledge the importance of self-actualization for people with Down Syndrome
- Recognize and advance the full range of rights for all people with Down Syndrome
- Promote full participation of people with Down Syndrome in all aspects of community life
- Recognize the variability of personal needs and respect individual choices
- Develop and disseminate position statements on major issues related to Down Syndrome
- Provide a network for linking of state and local groups and affiliates
- Foster and enhance relationships within the NDSC and the broader disability community
Education and Rights
Colorado Department of Education: Special Education Division
1560 Broadway, Suite 1100
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 303-866-6600
To provide leadership and advocacy that increase the accountability of educational systems for meeting the exceptional learning needs of all Colorado Children and youth.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Adapted Physical Education (APE)
- Assistive Technology/SWAAAC
- Behavior Supports
- Connections
- Child Find
- Educational Audiology
- Occupational Therapy
- Orientation and Mobility
- Physical Therapy
- Parent resources on resource on trainings, leadership and advocacy opportunities
- School Nursing/Health Services
- School Psychologists
- School Social Work
- Significant Identified Emotional Disability (SIED)
- Supporting Inclusive Learning Communities (SILC-Road)
- SWAAAC (Statewide Augmentative, Assistive and Alternative Communication)
- Transition services
Eligibility Requirements:
- Call for more information
Application Process:
- N/A
Cost for Services:
- N/A
Social Security Administration
5400 W 11th St, Suite A
Greeley, CO 80634
Phone; 970-353-2192
National Toll Free: 1-800-772-1213
Website: SSA.GOV
Provides supplemental income to persons with significant disabilities who are not working or are unable to generate an adequate income through employment.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Supplemental income
- Medical benefits through Medicaid
- Assistance with filling services
- Plan for Achieving Self Support program (PASS)
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must meet income/resource criteria
- 18 or older
- A physical or mental disability that is expected to keep you from substantial gainful activity for at least 12 months
- Under 18
- The child must have a physical or mental condition(s) that can be medically proven and which results in marked and severe functional limitations
- The medically proven or mental condition(s) must last at least 12 months or be expected to result in death
- A child may not be considered disabled if he/she is working at a job considered to be substantial work
Application Process:
- Call 1-800-772-1213 for information or to make an appointment to apply
- Apply for SSI for a child with a disability at any age
Cost for Services:
- N/A
Client Assistance Program (CAP) The Legal Center
455 Sherman St. Suite 130
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 303-722-0300
To help people who have disabilities with questions, concerns, and problems regarding rehabilitation programs as well as the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. The Legal Center is a federally mandated protection and advocacy system for the state of Colorado.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Information and referral to appropriate rehabilitation programs in Colorado
- Investigation of complaints
- Explain your rights and responsibilities
- Explain ways to effectively communicate needs/concerns to have the best chance at receiving appropriate rehabilitation programs
- Provide access to legal, administrative and other appropriate remedies to ensure the protection of the rights of people with disabilities
Eligibility Requirements:
- Call for information
Application Process:
- N/A
Cost for Services:
- N/A
Employment Services
Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services - Greeley
822 7th St. Suite 350
Greeley, CO 80631
Phone: 970-353-5409
Assist people with disabilities to become gainfully employed.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Assessment
- Counseling
- Vocational and other training services
- Job placement
- On-the-job training
- Rehabilitation engineering
- Supported employment
- Youth transitional services
Eligibility Requirements:
- Presence of a physical or mental disability, which creates an impediment to employment
- Individual's needs require rehabilitation services to engage in, or maintain, gainful employment
Application Process:
- Eligibility must be determined
- Services are time limited
- Process is preferred to begin prior to exiting schooling
Cost for Services:
- Call for more information
Employment Services of Weld County
315 N. 11th Ave
Greeley, CO 80631
Phone: 970-353
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
To assist clients in finding employment and to provide career development information and opportunities.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Employer services
- Employer seminars
- Recruitment services
- Testing services
- Referrals
- Interviewing services
- Business consulting
- Labor market information
- Internet information
- Employer training incentives
- Employer resources
- Employment programs
- Workforce partners
- Employer customer service survey
- Post a job opening
- Job postings online and at office
- Resource rooms with computer access for resume development
- Educational and training resources, including catalogs from Colorado colleges and occupational schools
Eligibility Requirements:
- Call for more information
Application Process
- Make an appointment with the receptionist at the office to meet with a Registration Technician. The receptionist will give you a skills form to be completed before your appointment or register online.
Cost for Services:
- Call for more information
Job Corps
1122 9th St.
Greeley, CO 80631
Phone: 720-237-3188
To provide opportunities to youth 16-24 years of age to receive vocational training, continued education, GED, high school diploma, or post-secondary education.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Education
- Career training: various trades
- Advanced career training/college
- On campus room and board
- Living allowance (includes clothing)
- Career placement assistance
- Clothing allowance
- Driver's education classes
- Paid transportation to the center
- Vacation twice a year for two weeks each
- Basic health and dental care
- Completion bonus
Eligibility Requirements:
- Ages 16-24 years old
- Most services focused on "at-risk" youth lacking education or job skills
Application Process:
- Call for more information
- Application takes approximately an hour and a half
- Appointment required
Cost for Services
- N/A
Meals on Wheels of Greeley and Weld County
2131 9th Ave
Greeley, CO 80631
Phone: 970-353-9738
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 6:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
To keep people in their home as long as possible by delivering hot, nutritionally well balanced meals to them. Meals on Wheels serves those that are unable to cook for themselves - the elderly, frail and physically challenged, regardless of income.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Meals provided to your door
Eligibility Requirements:
- Homebound and elderly
- Mentally or physically challenged of any age
- Unable to cook due to either a long illness or short term illness
Application Process:
- Call for intake procedure
Cost for Services:
- Prices are adjusted downward according to income
- Food stamps may be used to pay for meals
- Over 79% of our clients were served meals at a sliding scale
Salvation Army
1119 6th St.
Greeley, CO 80631
Phone: 970-346-1661
To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Community Meals Program - free meals daily
- Angel Tree
- Family service office: provides emergency food boxes, clothing, personal items, diapers, etc.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Call for more information
Application Process:
- Provide picture ID
- Provide Social Security; may be served if unavailable
Cost for Services:
- N/A
Weld County Food Bank
1108 H St
Greeley, CO 80631
Phone: 970-576-2199
To help alleviate hunger and reduce food waste by providing an efficient, centralized system for collecting, storing and distributing food with community cooperation.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Agency Program
- Emergency Food Boxes
- Commodity Supplemental Food Program
- Supplemental Mini-Boxes
- Kids Cafe
- Backpack Program
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must show ID, proof of Weld County address, proof of income and birth certificates for children under six for commodity supplemental food program
Application Process:
- Call for more information
Cost for Services:
- N/A
Learning Disability
Colorado Department of Education
Assist with identification of learning disabilities and to provide resources.
Learning Disability Online
LD OnLine is the leading website on learning disabilities, learning disorders and differences. Parents and teachers of learning disabled children will find authoritative guidance on attention deficit disorder, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dysnomia, reading difficulties, speech and related disorders.
LD OnLine offers hundreds of expert-reviewed articles and resources for educators, parents, and others concerned about children and adults with learning disabilities and ADHD.
- Accommodations and modifications
- Adults with LD
- Behavior and social skills
- Classroom management
- College and college prep
- Early identification
- English language learners and LD
- Evaluation/LD testing
- Gifted and LD
- Homeschooling
- Homework help
- IEPs
- Legislation and policy
- Math and dyscalculia
- Nonverbal LD
- Parenting and family
- Processing deficits
- Reading and dyslexia
- Research and reports
- Response to intervention
- Self-esteem nd stress management
- Special education
- Speech and language
- Study skills
- Teaching and instruction
- Technology
- Transition: school to work
- Writing and spelling
National Center for Learning Disabilities
Website: NCLD.ORG
The National Center for Learning Disabilities works to ensure that the nation's 15 million children, adolescents and adults with learning disabilities have every opportunity to succeed in school, work, and life.
- NCLD provides essential information to parents, professionals and individuals with learning disabilities, promotes research and programs to foster effective learning, and advocates for policies to protect and strengthen educational rights and opportunities.
- NCLD's events highlight the important work NCLD and others are doing to advocate for the nation's 15 million children, adolescents, and adults with learning disabilities.
- Resource locator
- Live, online discussions
Rocky Mountain Branch of International Dyslexia Association
740 Yale Cir
Boulder, CO 80305
Phone: 855-543-2762
The International Dyslexia Association provides a forum where parents, educators, individuals with dyslexia and researchers share their knowledge about a disorder that affects up to 20 percent of the U.S. population. The IDA-RMB provides workshops and resources to increase public awareness of dyslexia.
- Information and online resources about dyslexia and language based learning difficulties
- Check website for numerous events and work shops
- Referral services database
Banner Home Medical Equipment
1990 59th Ave Ste 300
Greeley, CO 80634
Phone: 970-810-6420
Provide quality health-care products, equipments, and services to you and your family.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Home medical equipment for rent or sale
- Apnea Monitors Medicare and Medicaid Certified
- State-Certified
- Oxygen and other respiratory products
- CPAP and BiPAP machines
- Mastectomy products
- Bathroom safety products
- Walkers, canes and crutches
- Wheelchairs (power and manual)
- Repair services
- Incontinence products
Eligibility Requirements:
- Call for information
Application Process:
- Call for information
Cost for Services:
- Call for information
Children's Medicaid Waiver
Department of Social Services
315 N 11th Ave
Greeley, CO 80632
Phone: 970-352-1551
Waiver programs for disabled children who are at risk of institutionalization in a hospital or nursing facility and who would not otherwise be eligible for Medicaid, due to parental income and/or resources.
Programs and Services Provided:
- All state plan Medicaid benefits and case management services
- Provide services at the child's home or in the community
Eligibility Requirements:
- Birth to 17 years of age
- SSI denial letter due to parent's income
- Diagnosed developmental disability for the Children's Medicaid Waiver
- This program does have an enrollment cap and often has a waiting list
Application Process
- Apply in person at the Department of Social Services
Cost for Services:
- Call for more information
- Bilingual Services Available
Monfort Children's Clinic
100 N 11th Ave
Greeley, CO 80631
Phone: 970-352-8898
Provides complete medical care for children, teens and young adults through age 21, who are Medicaid eligible and/or uninsured.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Medical care (treatment for illness and injury) for children from birth to 21 years
- Allergy, Audiology, Asthma, Dental, and Growth and Development clinics
- Physicals and immunizations for school and sports
- Triage nurse
- Mental health services
- Chronic disease management
- physical and sexual-abuse exams
- Social work services
- Health education and family-planning services
- Car seat safety and distribution site
- Medicaid enrollment
- Pharmaceuticals and lab services
- Community Health Education and Conference Center
- Offices for community agencies and a Reach Out and Read book share location
Eligibility Requirements:
- Children to age 21, who meet one or more of the following:
- On Medicaid
- Have insurance and meet their income guidelines
- From low-income families that are not on Medicaid and do not have insurance
- Have medical needs that have not received proper attention
- Want medical services given by people that speak their language
- Do not have a doctor
Application Process:
- Call for more information
Cost for Services:
- All services are offered at a reduced cost based on family income
Weld County Health Care Program for Children with Special Needs (HCP)
1555 North 17th Ave
Greeley, CO 80631
Phone: 970-400-6420
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Offers specialty pediatric medical services for individuals from birth to age twenty-one, who might otherwise not receive care due to financial need or limited medical services.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Neurological
- Cardiac
- Genetic
- Hearing services and provision of hearing aids
- Vision
- Orthopedic services
- Cleft palate
- Limited orthodontia
- Provide prosthetics, wheelchairs and glasses
- Public health pediatric nurse
- Social worker case management assistance
- Pediatric Specialists from Children's Hospital and CU Medical Center
- Help establish a "medical Home" or team that provides resources and coordination of medical services
- Make sure you know about and can get to the network of services available in Weld County
- Make sure that newborn screening for hearing, early childhood screen for vision, child development and other disorders is available
- Help all children to get basic health care from a local doctor (Primary Care Provider)
- Help organize all the services your child needs
- Help professionals work together
- Introduce you to other parents/families in the same situation
- Help find easy to pay for specialty care
Eligibility Requirements:
- Birth to age 21
- Special needs
Application Process:
- Assistance will be provided
- Please call for more information
Cost for Services:
- N/A
Respite Care and Independent Living
Easter Seals of Colorado
393 S Harlan St Suite 250
Lakewood, CO 80226
Phone: 303-233-1666
Provides services to children and adults with disabilities and other special needs and support to their families.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Job Training and Employment
- Stroke Day Program
- Training for Transition
- Adult Day Programs
- Camping and Recreation
- Post Polio Support Group
- Discovery Club
- Community Transit Services
- Explorers Day Program
- Respite Weekends
- Summer camp
- Winter respite care
- Warm Water Therapy Pool
Eligibility Requirements:
- Persons with a disability
Application Process:
- Call for more information
Cost for Services:
- Call for more information
Community Advantage
5400 W 11th St., Suite C
Greeley, CO 80631
Phone; 970-440-3349
To respect and care for people with disabilities
Programs and Services Provided:
- Recreation and leisure activities
- Daily living skills
- Community awareness and access
- Health and safety
- Socialization
- Nutrition and personal management
- Employment skills
- Functional academics
- Laundry
- Nutrition and personal management
- Employment skills
- Functional academics
- Laundry
- Nutrition counseling and cooking
- Basic writing skills
- Transportation training
- Alternative activities
- Dance movement
- Music
- Art/multi-media
Eligibility Requirements:
- Call for more information
Application Process:
- Application is generally made through Envision 970-339-5360; however, services may be purchased directly.
Cost for Services:
- Call for more information
Connections for Independent Living
1331 8th Ave
Greeley, CO 80631
Phone: 970-352-8682
Assists people with a wide range of disabilities to live full, independent lives and make their own choices.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Career awareness training
- Independent living skills training
- Interpreting
- Personal improvement training
- Support groups
- House referrals and modification referrals
- Technical training and assisting in locating adaptive equipment
- Employment exploration and referrals to vocational guidance
Eligibility Requirements:
- Individuals with physical or mental disabilities that can be documented by a physician.
Application Process:
- Call to set up an appointment for an intake assessment
- Services available after completion of intake
Cost for Services:
- Call for information
1050 37th St.
Evans, CO 80620
Phone: 970-339-5360
To provide services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Before and after school programs for children up to 13 and care for special needs children up to age 16.
- Services and support coordination/case management
- Advocacy
- Coordination of services for family caregivers who have children in the school system
- Family support programs
- Art program
- Vocational services
- Early intervention
- Supported living services
- Rehabilitation services
- Residential services
- Transportation
- Eligibility criteria
Eligibility Requirements:
- Individuals diagnosed with cognitive/developmental disabilities
- Waiting list for vocational and residential services
- Individuals can be placed on waiting list(s) on their 14th birthday
Application Process:
- Contact an Intake Case Manager for more information
Cost for Services:
- Call for more information
Greeley-Evans Transit (GET)
101 11th Ave
Greeley, CO 80631
Phone: 970-350-9287
To value our customers by providing transportation services safely and efficiently in a friendly manner.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Fixed Route - bus stop to bus stop service for all riders
- Para Transit - door to door service for eligible riders who are unable to use the fixed route service
- Evening Demand Response - for all riders after normal hours for the fixed route and paratransit service
Eligibility Requirements:
- Fixed Route or Evening Demand - N/A
- Para Transit - Call or go online for an application
Application Process:
- Para Transit - call or go online for an application
Cost for Services:
- Costs vary
Traumatic Brain Injury
Colorado Department of Education
Assist with the identification of traumatic brain injuries and provide resources.
Adaptive Driving Program: Center for Neurorehabilitation Services, P.C. (CNS)
2850 McClelland Drive, Suite #3000B
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: 970-493-6667
To provide comprehensive evaluation and training process to persons who have sustained a brain injury or have other neurological impairments, such as stroke, cerebral palsy, developmental disabilities, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries and other neurological disabilities.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Brain injury recovery program
- Multiple sclerosis clinic
- Memory clinic
- Adaptive driving
- Headache management
- Children's services
- Spinal cord injury
- Stroke rehabilitation specialty clinic
- Evaluation
- Occupational therapy
- Physical therapy
- Speech language therapy
- Vocational services
- Neuropsychological
- Behind the wheel evaluation
- Driver's training and evaluations for sedans or vans
- Counseling
- Pediatric rehabilitation and school re-entry program
- Cognitive rehabilitation
- Neurologic music therapy
Eligibility Requirements:
- Need medical records
- Need driver's permit
Application Process:
- Referral from physician
Cost for Services:
- Call for information
- Accepts most insurances
- Including Medicare
Stephens Farm
2774 W Reservoir Rd
Greeley, CO 80634
Phone: 970-506-0008
To bridge gaps for people with specific disabilities in northern Colorado by providing accessible residential settings.
- Residential services
- On-site home health services
- Rehabilitation services
- Warm water therapy
- Homestead day program
- Case management
Eligibility Requirements:
- Stephens Farm is available for individuals with a primary diagnosis of acquired brain injury 18 years or older.
Application Process:
- Call for more information.
Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado
1325 S Colorado Blvd B-300
Denver, CO 80222
Phone: 303-355-9969
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
To improve the quality of life for survivors of brain injury, their families, and offer supporting programs to prevent brain injury.
Programs and Services Provided:
- Support groups
- Community Education and Prevention Programs
- Peer advocates
- Outdoor adventure challenge
- Annual conference
- Resource library
- Quarterly newsletter
- Public policy development
- Volunteer programs
- Resource directory
- Utility assistance
- Colorado Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund
- Brain injury professional network
Eligibility Requirements:
- N/A
Application Process:
- N/A
Cost for Services:
- Call for more information