School to Work Alliance Program
The School to Work Alliance Program (SWAP) is designed to provide employment-related assistance to youth and young adults who may need support to find and maintain employment. SWAP provides assistance that not only produces a desirable employment outcome (such as a career-path job), but also teaches appropriate job seeking and job retention skills that can be utilized throughout a lifetime.
SWAP is a collaborative initiative between the Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), and local school districts, and supported by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE).
SWAP Address
1424 13th Ave., Room 6
Greeley, CO 80631
Happy Miller
SWAP Facilitator
970-348-1080 (Work)
720-270-8587 (Cell)
Shelly Wight
SWAP Specialist
970-348-1081 (Work)
970-302-6022 (Cell)
Molly Bernhardsen
DVR Rehabilitation Counselor I
Jody Dettmer-Johnson
Pre-Employment Tech
SWAP History & Facts
The School to Work Alliance Program (SWAP) was developed in 1994 as a means to meet the vocational needs of individuals in Colorado who may have barriers to employment. SWAP is a collaborative program between the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and local school districts. These agencies work together to identify the need for local employers and match them with SWAP clients. Additionally, SWAP offers job training skills and job coaching to youth. SWAP originally began with eight sites but has since grown to 45 sites which serve 138 school districts and over 3,000 youth each year.
The School to Work Alliance Program (SWAP) is a collaborative initiative between the Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and local school districts/Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), and is supported by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). SWAP provides case management and direct services to young adults with disabilities who:
- Are potentially eligible, applicants of or are eligible to receive DVR services (meeting disability documentation requirements and able to benefit from the program); and
- Have mild to moderate needs in employment;
- Need support in developing vocational awareness, career exploration, and experiencing career and employment opportunities to become competitively employed and to achieve successful outcomes.
SWAP Fast Facts
- Purpose of SWAP
- SWAP Services May Include
- SWAP May Provide Services When Appropriate To
- Young Adults Could Be:
- SWAP Would Not Be Appropriate For
- Referrals
- Funding & Program Support