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Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC)

Join SHAC today!

Are you interested in promoting and advocating for your fellow students' health and wellbeing while gaining leadership experience, eating awesome food, and hanging out with friends? We are currently recruiting new members for SHAC, please complete the application below if you are interested in joining us! 

The deadline for this application is Monday, January 13, 2025. Applicants will be notified about the next steps by January 17. Interviews will be conducted January 28th and January 30th between 4:30-6:30 pm at Northridge High School. Any student 8th-11th grade is eligible to apply. 

Click here to apply

SHAC is a group composed of high schoolers from around District 6 that are focused on combating health issues in the community. SHAC began in 2018, and has been growing and improving since. 

Current members serving are from:

  • Early College Academy
  • Frontier Academy
  • Greeley Central High School
  • Greeley West High School
  • Northridge High School
  • University Schools
Wings of Hope Mural


This mural was created by students in the District 6 Student Health Advisory Council to promote mental health in our community through spreading messages of hope, help, and strength. The mural represents eight areas of strength: Family Support, Positive Friends, Mentors, Health Activities, Generosity, Spirituality, Physical Health, and Mental Health that build resiliency and lift us up when we need. 

Please share pictures of you being lifted by our wings of hope! 


Mission Statement

Through activities, resources, and media that reach a diverse audience, SHAC will create a culture which empowers students and the community to develop healthy physical, social, and mental habits, making a difference in their present and future lives. 

follow us @d6shac