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Wellness Programs and Resources

Student Wellness Programs and Resources graphic


For any questions, comments, or concerns regarding District 6 Student Wellness programs and resources, please contact the Wellness Specialist at

Student Wellness Program Snapshot

At Greeley Evans School District 6, we recognize that students who are physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy are better equipped to learn. There are several FREE programs available to District 6 teachers and staff to improve the health and wellness of their students. Please take advantage of any and all of these programs this school year! All program request forms are available below.

D6 Student Wellness Programs and Resorces

Greeley Rec Center Youth Assistance Fund

The Youth Assistance Program is $150 scholarship per child (per calendar year) for non-contracted classes or programs.

Click here for more information

Youth Assistance Program applications are available at the front desk at the FunPlex, Rec Center, Rodarte Center, and Ice Haus.  Customer must be a Greeley resident, and provide a proof of residency, normally a driver’s license, and a copy of Free or Reduced Lunch letter from WCSD 6 Nutritional Services. Address:  2508 4th Ave, Greeley     Phone:  970-348-6600 

UCHealth Healthy Hearts Program

Healthy Hearts is an outreach heart health screening and preventative education program. Their purpose is to educate students, families, and adults about how to live a heart-healthy lifestyle. Please see below for Healthy Hearts program flyers.