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Healthy Active Fundraisers


United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Smart Snacks Fundraising REQUIREMENTS:

  • District 6 wants to create a culture of wellness, where the healthy choice is the easy choice for students, employees, and visitors.  In October of 2011, District 6 updated the Wellness Policy to include the following regarding fundraising:
  • Only nonfood fundraisers such as flowers, gift-wrap, sporting events, and family fun runs for all fundraisers that occur during the school day.
  • While food fundraisers are discouraged outside of the school day, they are permitted; however, foods sold need to meet the following nutritional guidelines:
  • Not more than 30% of the total calories of the food item, excluding nuts or seeds, is from fat
  • Not more than 10% of the total calories of the food item, excluding reduced-fat cheeses, eggs, and nut butters, is from saturated fat
  • Not more than 35% of the total weight of the food item, excluding fruits or vegetables, is composed of sugar
  • Further more, the Student Wellness Program wants to encourage schools to pursue fundraising opportunities that involve physical activity, such as walkathons.

Fundraising Forms

The USDA provides practical science-based nutrition standards for snack foods and beverages sold to children at school during the school day. These standards, referred to as Smart Snacks Guidelines, are required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 and allow schools to offer healthier foods to children, while limiting junk food. Fundraisers are included as part of this rule. Per the USDA, all food sold during fundraisers occurring “from midnight the night before the beginning of the first class to 30 minutes after the end of the last class” are required to follow these Smart Snack Guidelines. Concessions are also included in this rule, if they take place during school hours, including 30 minutes after the last bell. If food sold during these time periods does not meet the nutritional guidelines, this could result in a financial penalty by the CDE. Areas of the campus not accessible to students are unaffected by this restriction.

Note – Exemptions will be examined on a case by case basis. Please contact the Nutrition and Menu Specialist at x6623.

Further, per the CDE, food items sold outside of any scheduled meal service that are not sold by D6 Nutrition Services (e.g. a la carte items) cannot “be sold 30 minutes before to 30 minutes after each scheduled meal service on any area of the school campus that is accessible to students, as these are competitive foods.”

To facilitate this policy SCHOOL Management shall present a Fundraising Plan to the building principal for review with adequate time to submit to the Nutrition and Menu Specialist with D6 Nutrition Services no later than September 15 of each year.  Each plan shall include a list of responsible individuals, the purpose of the activity, time period requested, if food will be served, and, if so, if this food meets USDA nutrition requirements.

Master Fundraising Plan Form

A master fundraising plan for the entire school must be filed by September 15 each year using the Master Fundraising Plan form (listed below).  The original Master Fundraising Plan Forms should be either emailed or mailed through district mail to the Nutrition and Menu Specialist with D6 Nutrition Services: Mariah Westlie, MS, RDN, SNS MWESTLIE@GREELEYSCHOOLS.ORG. Note that there are seperate forms and slightly different directions for charter schools versus other district schools. Non-charters, please use fundraising forms located in the Financial Policies and Procedures Handbook in INFINITE VISIONS

Additional fundraising plans developed subsequent to September must be submitted to the Nutrition and Menu Specialist using the Fundraising Activity Additional Request Form (listed below).  Additional fundraisers will be reviewed using the same guidelines as the Master Fundraising Plan.

Chapter School Fundraising Actvitiy Additional Request Form

First page of the PDF file: Fundraising_Additional_Request_Form_Charters__Fillable


First page of the PDF file: Master_Fundraising_Plan_Charters_Fillable