Resources About Healthy Eating
Below are a few reputable resources available to parents, educators, community partners, and others interested in learning more about proper nutrition for children and adolescents. These resources are for informational purposes only and do not diagnose or recommend specific treatments.
In addition to these great handouts, the Centers for Disease Control has a BMI calculator for children and teens. It is available at: HTTP://APPS.NCCD.CDC.GOV/DNPABMI/
The Benefits of Practicing Cooking in Childhood
Teachers, are you looking for more opportunities to share nutrition information with your students? Are you short on time? Feel free to print off any of the presentations below as a starting point for a nutrition or physical activity-focused bulletin board. If you have an idea for a bulletin board that we don't currently have, feel free to contact us at DISTRICT6-WELLNESS@GREELEYSCHOOLS.ORG. Enjoy!
Teach students about the basic food groups and healthy eating
Healthy snack ideas that any student would love to try
Inform students about the importance of getting healthy energy from foods
Educate students about proper portions
Promote fruits and vegetables
Teach students about different sources of protein
Encourage students to make half of their grains whole grain
Students can learn about keeping hydrated
Teach students the process of making cheese
Food safety is important in any kitchen
Get students excited about cooking
Encourage students to move and be active in all sorts of ways
Recess is the perfect time to get active
Encourage students to put down the remote and be physically active instead
The District 6 Wellness Policy supports opportunities for healthy, active recess time. Recess is important for not only wellness but also academic achievement. Below is the district's Make Recess Matter manual. It contains a variety of useful information to improve recess in schools. Topics and resources in the manual include:
- The benefits of recess
- How to improve student participation
- A recess interest survey for elementary students
- A listing of popular recess activities and ideas
- How to put together a recess kit
- Ideas for fun blacktop games
- And additional online resources available
Download the Make Recess Matter manual here: MAKE RECESS MATTER MANUAL