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The Walking Classroom




The WALKING CLASSROOM "strengthens the physical, mental, and academic health of students while they walk, listen, and learn." The Walking Classroom is an educational program that provides 1/3 of the RECOMMENDED DAILY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY needed for youth WITHOUT sacrificing instructional time. Students will take brisk 15-20 minute walks while listening to the same "custom-written, kid-friendly podcast that comes pre-loaded on their WalkKit (audio device)." Each lesson aligns with 4th and 5th Common Core standards. Lesson content is appropriate for 3rd through 8th, however should be used only at the teacher's discretion. 


rental application

Benefits of the Walking Classroom

  • Increases physical activity opportunities during the school day
  • Builds content core knowledge
  • Engages different learning styles
  • Broadens class participation
  • Develops health awareness and healthy habits


Benefits of Exercise

  • Promotes healthy habits
  • Improves attention and concentration
  • Boosts academic achievement
  • Engages different learning styles