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D6 Athlete of the Week: Lotte Cardiel, Northridge High School

D6 Athlete of the Week: Lotte Cardiel, Northridge High School

"Lotte is one of our senior captains. She has done a lot to build a cohesiveness throughout the team that is easily noticed at our games. Lotte has so much speed that it is difficult to get a ball past her in the outfield, and a very tough out offensively. Lotte is a great leader to our team, foundational player, great student, and overall good person." - Dave Fosdick, Softball Coach

Student Name

Lotte Cardiel


Northridge High School

Grade Level



Softball and Tennis


Softball: Centerfield; Tennis: Doubles


  • Batting for softball: 0.667
  • On base percentage:0.542
  • Fielding percentage: 0.952

"My proudest achivement is probably starting center-fielder and team captain. I'm proud because I feel like, as a captain, I help the team keep energy up. I always try to make the team laugh, and I feel like I'm always hardworking on the field and in class." - Lotte Cardiel

What are your goals for this season?

"My goal is to take the team as far as we can go in the season, I want every player on this team to be proud of our team work and be proud of how big of an impact that player is on the team."

Who are your role models in your sport or life, and how have they influenced you? 

"I believe my biggest role models are my siblings. My brother is always supporting me and is always there for me when I'm down or when I need him. My sister always compliments me every morning even if I'm grumpy or sad. She always gives me hugs. I feel like everyone in this world needs a sibling so you can always talk to them about anything and secretly order food at midnight."

How do you manage the balance between academics and athletics? What strategies have been most effective for you? 

"Every day after school, I always do an hour of homework before practice. It always help getting homework done before practices. I usually study for tests before practice,after practice, before games, before away games, and after on the way back home on the bus. I always try to get my school stuff done before sports."

How do you handle pressure and maintain mental resilience during high-stakes competition?

"Personally, when I'm under a lot of pressure, I would always just listen to my team. When I'm in the outfield, I always look to my teammates and just think no matter what happens, make this play or not, they will always respect me and always want me on this team. In the batting box, I would just shut every noise out besides my teammates because they're the reason I'm in the top of the line-up. They give me that courage, hope, and make me believe in myself to make it on base."

What are your career or college plans after you graduate high school? 

"After high-school, I want to attend CSU, for vet medicine. I've always had a passion for helping animals. If that doesnt work well with me, my back-up is a trauma surgeon. I love helping animals and people. I would love to do that for the rest of my life."

What advice do you have for younger athletes who want to join your sport?

"Try all the sports when you're little. Do everything you can set your mind to. You will eventually find the sport you love, and if you don't like the sport, try another. Don't ever give up or quit on a sport if teamates or coaches or anyone is doubting you. Always prove them wrong."

Do you have any funny pre-game rituals or superstitions that you stick to?

"I always get Mcdonalds with a couple of my teammates. Sometimes that helps me focus because it's junk food and will give you energy. But, I usually put a piece of tape on my wrist of the initials of the loved ones that passed, and when I'm upset at myself, I will always look at those initials, and remember who I'm playing for."

If you were to participate in a talent show unrelated to your sport, what would your act be?

"Doing the worm backwards or singing."