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D6 Athlete of the Week: Sherri Meza, Frontier Academy

D6 Athlete of the Week: Sherri Meza, Frontier Academy

"Sherri has been one of the most committed and most coachable young women in our program. She has put in the effort and shown great discipline through our summer offseason and leading up to this year's season. Because of her dedication and work ethic, she has started to shine on the court. As coaches, we have seen this potential in her since she joined our program last year as a freshman, and now she is starting to see her potential through the same lens that we have been for a year. Seeing her confidence and self pride grow over the past few months has been one of my favorite things to watch as a coach. She deserves this honor and recognition and it makes me so proud as her coach to see her get it." - Kim Fornall, Basketball Coach

Student Name

Sherri Meza


Frontier Academy

Grade Level





Point Guard and Guard

"The achievement that I am most proud of is how much I have grown in skill and my leadership. I am most proud of this because it makes me a better team player for my team. And, I am able to enjoy learning more fundamental things about basketball."     

What are your goals for this season?

"My goal for this season is gaining more confidence in myself and helping my team expand our program."

Who are your role models in your sport or life, and how have they influenced you?

"My role model is my mom. She has influenced me and pushed me to my full ability to be the best I can be. She never lets me give up on the hard things, and she strives to see me doing my best. My mom is my best fan."

How do you manage the balance between academics and athletics? What strategies have been most effective for you? 

"How I manage the balance between academics and athletics is never be afraid to ask the teacher for help and use your time wisely. The strategies that have been the most effective for me is being organized and managing my time wisely with academics and athletics."

How do you handle pressure and maintain mental resilience during high-stakes competition?

"How I handle pressure and maintain resilience during high-stakes competition is relying on my team and knowing that they are relying on me as well."

What are your career or college plans after you graduate high school? 

"My college plan after high school is to work hard to be a radiology technician and continue my path in the medical field."

What advice do you have for younger athletes who want to join your sport?

"My advice for younger athletes who want to join my sport is it is okay to make mistakes and know that practice makes perfect."

Do you have any funny pre-game rituals or superstitions that you stick to?

"A superstition that I stick to is putting my right shoe on before my left shoe so that I can make sure I take the right step."

If you were to participate in a talent show unrelated to your sport, what would your act be?

"If I would participate in a talent show unrelated to my sport, my act would be magician."