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Student Spotlight: Guztavo Manriquez Valdivia

Student Spotlight: Guztavo Manriquez Valdivia
"Guztavo is a leader in the classroom and on the football field. He always conducts himself positively and cares about everyone around him. Guztavo is a risk-taker who is resourceful and resilient in facing challenges and change. Our Bengal staff and athletic coaches are fortunate to share in his development and growth over the past three years. Guztavo is a Bengal, and will always be a Bengal. We are so proud of you, and look forward to seeing your future success." - John Spencer, Social Studies Teacher & Football Coach

Activities, Clubs, and Sports 

Student Spotlight: Guztavo Manriquez Valdivia, Brentwood Middle School Infographic

I am involved in football, basketball, and track. 

Career/College Plans

I definitely plan to go to college and study Sports Science. Texas Tech is my top choice. After college, I would love to make it to the NFL. 

Favorite Subject

My favorite subject is anything with reading because you can learn so much simply by reading. 

Favorite Teacher

My favorite teachers are Mr. Spencer because he always believed in me, Mr. Johnson because he's my basketball coach and always helps me improve, and Mr. Wilson because he's a cool guy and fun to joke around with. 


Playing football and basketball. 

Favorite Food and/or Restaurant

My favorite food is birria tacos. 

Favorite Movie or Television Show

My favorite TV show is "Last Chance U Basketball."

Personal Goals

My personal goal is to go to the NFL or NBA. 

The Best Thing About My School

I like how I am able to be me. I can always be myself without fear or judgment.