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Student Spotlight: Mariah Virgil, Tointon Academy of Pre-Engineering

Student Spotlight: Mariah Virgil, Tointon Academy of Pre-Engineering
"Mariah has embodied the true characteristics of an Engineer. Whether taking on a long run in cross country, tackling a challenging problem, building up those around her to be better, or being a leader in school, Mariah does just that." - Sean Miller, Math Teacher

Activities, Clubs, and Sports 

Student Spotlight: Mariah Virgil, Tointon Academy of Pre-Engineering Infographic

Cross country, track, and Yearbook Club

Career/College Plans

After high school, I plan t go to college and become a child psychologist. 

Favorite Subject

My favorite subject in school is math. I've always had an interest in it, and I understand the concepts the best. 

Favorite Teacher

My favorite teacher is Mr. Albano. I like the way he teaches, and just like my other teachers, it's easy to ask questions and get help from him. 


In my free time, I like to watch TV, play with my dog, and read. 

Favorite Food and/or Restaurant

My favorite food is probably ice cream or Chicken Alfredo as a meal. 

Favorite Movie or Television Show

My favorite movie is "Home."

Personal Goals

Some of my personal goals are doing good in school so I can have a successful future. 

What Do You Like Best About Your School

The best part about my school are the opportunities. Tointon offers many engineering programs.