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Student Spotlight: Natilee Calderon, D6 Online Academy

Student Spotlight: Natilee Calderon, D6 Online Academy

"Natilee is an exceptional student who exemplifies leadership, dedication, and resilience within our online school community. She is an outstanding learner and a passionate advocate, consistently striving to elevate the voices and experiences of her classmates." - Jorge Gonzalez, D6 Online Academy Principal
Student Spotlight Natilee

Activities, Clubs, and Sports 

I am involved in at D6 Online Academy student council, as well as a representative for our school. I love lending a hand to my community that has encouraged students like me!

Career/College Plans

My plans are to continue with my college education, pursuing my dream of saving children from their home life. 

Favorite Subject

My favorite subject is English. 

Favorite Teacher

All of my teachers are my favorite but my biggest advocate and mentor is Elizabeth Emmett. Ms. Emmett is not only a teacher, she is a role model.  She encourages and engages students in their education. Many students come in and out of her classroom feeling loved and safe to be in her presence!


My hobbies include spending time with my family. I enjoy reading and going to church. I also enjoy spending time laying in bed.    

Favorite Food and/or Restaurant

My favorite food and restaurant is Wing Shack!

Favorite Movie or Television Show

Alice in Wonderland is my favorite movie. 

Personal Goals

My personal goal is to save money and be a young home owner with my future husband!  

What Do You Like Best About Your School

I love D6 Online Academy for the amazing environment and amazing staff!