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Student Spotlight: Santiago Naranjo Corral, Frontier Academy

Student Spotlight: Santiago Naranjo Corral, Frontier Academy

"Santi advocates for himself in class and wants to do well. He maintains accountability in his attendance and shows evidence of effort when it comes to participation and written classwork. In addition to being a wonderful musician and singer, Santi is always doing the right thing--no matter what the people around him are doing. He is truly a treasure to his classmates and our school!"  ~Frontier Academy Faculty

Activities, Clubs, and Sports 

Student Spotlight: Santiago Naranjo Corral, Frontier Academy Infographic

Soccer, basketball, National Junior Honor Society, LULAC, Gifted and Talented

Career/College Plans

I am still in the process of figuring that out.  

Favorite Subject

My favorite core subject would probably be math because it is challenging, and I like a good challenge. It is also pretty fun sometimes, to be honest.   

Favorite Teacher

All my teachers are fun and great so it is a hard choice, but if I had to, I would probably either pick my Tech, P.E., or science teacher. They are fun to talk to, and they are nice.  


Soccer, video games, talking to friends, and hanging out with friends.   

Favorite Food and/or Restaurant

My favorite food would probably be chicken alfredo, and my favorite restaurant is Olive Garden or Red Robin.

Favorite Movie or Television Show

My favorite is definitely all the Car movies, and my favorite television show right now is probably Young Sheldon.   

Personal Goals

My personal goals are to do good in school, have a good career, a good life, and many more.   

What Do You Like Best About Your School

The people, the teachers, the programs, the diversity, the administration, my classes, and my friends.