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  • August 5th, 2023

    Island Grove Regional Park

    501 N. 14th Avenue - 9am-12pm

     Mark your calendar for the 10th annual School Kickoff Community Celebration, to be held in the Event Center at Island Grove Regional Park. This annual event provides high-quality backpacks and school supplies for District 6 students, preschool through 12th grade. Students must be registered at a District 6 school, or register at the event, to receive a backpack. In addition, there will be community booths featuring activities, giveaways and resources. Banner Health providers will host a low-cost sports physical clinic. There will also be a petting zoo hosted by the Greeley West FFA Chapter and free sack lunches for every child who attends. Help us celebrate the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year by attending the School Kickoff Community Celebration! We can't wait to see you!



    • Principle Sponsor: $5,000, will purchase 300 backpacks filled with school supplies.
    • Premier Sponsor: $3,000 will purchase 300 backpacks.
    • Backpack and School Supply Sponsor: $2,000 will purchase 100 backpacks filled with school supplies.
    • Backpack Sponsor: $1,000 will purchase 100 backpacks
    • School Supply Sponsor: $500 will purchase school supplies for 100 backpacks.
    • Pencil Sponsor: $100 will purchase school supplies for 10 backpacks.

    Click HERE to make an online donation to the event.



    Volunteers are needed to help make our School Kickoff Celebration a success! We will need help at the event with many tasks including setting up before the event, greeting people and line management, distributing backpacks to students, food service and distributing sack lunches, and cleaning up/breakdown after the event. If you are not available the day of the event, we will also need help the day prior to stuffing backpacks with sponsor material.  All volunteers will need to complete a volunteer application/background check through Raptor to participate. 

    If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the FORM to select an available slot.