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School Transfer Requests

** For parents/guardians of current District 6 students requesting a school transfer after September 1st of the current school year, requests for student transfers can be made by completing the form below:



Please keep in mind:

  • You are expected to discuss your situation with your current school's administration prior to requesting a transfer
  • If a student attends a school outside his/her attendance area, the parent/guardian must provide transportation to and from that school
  • When enrolling in a school outside the attendance area, the student should plan to remain in that school for the remainder of the school year
  • A transfer request form is required for each student in a family. A decision made for one student does not automatically qualify another
  • Approved transfers will be granted through the end of the highest grade level of the school.
  • If you are requesting for your student to transfer to a D6 Charter School (Frontier Academy, Salida del Sol, Union Colony Schools, University Schools or West Ridge Academy) complete the Open Enrollment Application at: HTTPS://GREELEYSCHOOLS.SCHOOLMINT.NET/
  • If you are requesting for your student to transfer to Jefferson Jr/Sr High, GAP or NEXT programs, you will need to contact your school counselor. 
  • If you are requesting a different preschool placement, you will need to contact the Early Childhood Education Office at:

Greeley-Evans School District 6 Admissions Office
Phone: (970) 348-6062
Address: 924 11th St., Greeley, CO 80631 

Student Data Privacy and Security Act

Greeley-Evans School District 6 holds data privacy and security in high regard and takes action to ensure that our students’ data is handled securely in compliance with the Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act (HB 16-1423) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).