Career & College Readiness
Career and Technical Education is the springboard to a competitive edge in career opportunities and college readiness. District 6 offers robust Career and Technical Education Programs identified in 14 academies and 29 pathways, with experienced faculty and industry partners to engage in real-world professional projects, internships, and apprenticeships.
District 6's goal is to provide a personalized learning experience so all students graduate on time and are career and college ready.
High School at District 6 is a growing time for students and families. These four years is a time for students to explore possible career paths and post-secondary aspirations, as well as participate in internship programs and work experience.
Students have the option to follow a number of Career Pathways including, but not limited to, Health Academy, STEM, PTECH, TREP, International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, and The High School of Business, as well as participate in Concurrent Enrollment and the Career Academy Scholarship program with various Colorado Colleges.

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