Construction Academy
This pathway prepares students in areas of construction trades and construction management through hands-on projects and concurrent enrollment.
"My goal after high school is to finish my construction degree. Start working in that field and start my cattle ranch." -- Tucker, Greeley West HS
Construction Pathway
Career Pathway Courses:
- Construction Trades Pathway
Post-Secondary Occupations:
- Construction & Building Inspector - $56,000 - Associate
- Construction Manager - $85,000 - Bachelor
- Architecture Drafter - $49,000 - Bachelor
- Electrician - $51,000 - Post-Secondary Certificate
College Credit Opportunities
CAR 1005 - Jobsite Layout/ Print Reading
CAD 2220 - Revit
AEC 1200 - Print Reading (Residential and Commercial)
AEC 1520 - Construction Material & Systems
Earn an AAS in Construction Management from Aims for FREE through the PTECH program
Interior Design Pathway
This pathway is designed to provide students with the opportunity to make floor and furnishing plans by using computer aided drafting and hand drafting skills.
Career Pathway Courses:
- Interior Design I & II
- Design Seminar
Post-Secondary Occupations:
- Interior Designer - $50,000 - Associate
- Interior Design Consultant - $32,000 - Associate
- Commercial Interior Designer - $48,000 - Bachelor
Extended Learning & Leadership Opportunities:
- Career Explore Internships
Pathways in Technology Early College High School (PTech) Earn an AAS Degree in Industrial Technology; while in high school!
Greeley-Evans School District 6 has partnered with industry leaders and Aims Community college to offer a unique educational program allowing high school students to earn an Associate of Applied Science degree in Construction Management while gaining valuable work experience - all while still in high school!
Electrical Pathway
This pathway focuses on careers in electrical through hands-on projects, concurrent enrollment, and job shadows.
Electrical/Construction Pathway College Credit Opportunities (Concurrent Enrollment)
- Intro to Carpentry
- Basic Safety
- Hand and Power Tools
- Print Reading Residential/Commercial
- NCCER Electrical I
- International Building Codes
- NCCER Electrical II
- Construction Equipment, Methods and Planning
- NCCER Electrical III
- Contracts and Legal Environment
Post-Secondary Occupations:
- Electrician - $69,647 - Post Secondary Certificates
- Electrical Engineering - $102,477 - Bachelor’s