Leadership Academy
The Alternative Cooperative Education pathway is designed to provide students with an opportunity to explore occupations and identify career objectives, and equip students with skills to foster workplace success.
The Marine Corps JROTC pathway focuses on careers in the military and in the government.
Leadership Academy Pathways are available at two schools.
- The Alternative Cooperative Pathway is available at Jefferson High School and Northridge High School.
- The Marine Corps Junior Reserve Office Training Corps is available at Northridge High School.
Alternative Cooperative Education Pathway
Career Pathway Courses:
Career Awareness
Job Seeking
Job Keeping
Work-Based Learning Opportunities
Success Foundations I, II, III
Post-Secondary Occupations:
Vary as students progress through high school and post-secondary education/training - $18,000 and above $90,000 - Varies
ACE Pathways Courses offered at:
Career Awareness
Job Seeking
Job Keeping
Work-Based Learning Opportunities
Success Foundations I, II, III
Extended Learning & Leadership Opportunities
Career Explore Internships. Concurrent enrollment aligned with career interest. Membership in Jefferson student leadership available.
Marine Corps JROTC
The Marine Corps JROTC pathway focuses on careers in the military and in the government.
Career Pathway Courses:
- Leadership Education I
- Leadership Education II
- Leadership Education III
- Leadership Education IV
- Drill, Fitness, & Leadership
Post-Secondary Occupations:
Vary as students progress through high school and post-secondary education/training - $18,000 - $90,000
Pathways Courses offered at:
Extended Learning & Leadership Opportunities
- Career Explore Internships
JROTC College Credit Opportunities (Concurrent Enrollment)
- Intro to Political Science
- American Government
- American State/Local Gov
- International Relations
- Intro to Sociology
- Intro to Economics