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Physical Arrangement of Space

Physical arrangement of space is conducive to learning minimizing threats and distractions. 

have an idea? submit a picture or lesson plan if you think you have an exemplar of this idea. 

Vary the Methods for Response & Navigation

Learners differ widely in their capacity to navigate their physical environment. To reduce barriers to learning that would be introduced by the motor demands of a task, provide alternative means for response, selection, and composition. In addition, learners differ widely in their optimal means for navigating through information and activities. To provide equal opportunity for interaction with learning experiences, an instructor must ensure that there are multiple means for navigation and control is accessible.

  • Provide alternatives in the requirements for rate, timing, speed, and range of motor action required to interact with instructional materials, physical manipulatives, and technologies
  • Provide alternatives for physically responding or indicating selections (e.g., alternatives to marking with pen and pencil, alternatives to mouse control)
  • Provide alternatives for physically interacting with materials by hand, voice, single switch, joystick, keyboard, or adapted keyboard

Targeted Small Group Instruction

Instructional delivery models are used that maximize small group or one-on-one time with students to deliver personalized and differentiated instruction.

  • Frequently use targeted small group instruction to individualize for student learning
  • Purposefully differentiate instruction for small groups
  • Group students dynamically for purposeful differentiation