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Timely Feedback

Timely feedback is provided to students that is academically focused, frequent, and high quality. 

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Increase Mastery-Oriented Feedback

Assessment is most productive for sustaining engagement when the feedback is relevant, constructive, accessible, consequential, and timely. But the type of feedback is also critical in helping learners to sustain the motivation and effort essential to learning. Mastery-oriented feedback is the type of feedback that guides learners toward mastery rather than a fixed notion of performance or compliance. It also emphasizes the role of effort and practice rather than “intelligence” or inherent “ability” as an important factor in guiding learners toward successful long-term habits and learning practices. These distinctions may be particularly important for learners whose disabilities have been interpreted, by either themselves or their caregivers, as permanently constraining and fixed.

  • Provide feedback that encourages perseverance, focuses on development of efficacy and self-awareness, and encourages the use of specific supports and strategies in the face of challenge
  • Provide feedback that emphasizes effort, improvement, and achieving a standard rather than on relative performance
  • Provide feedback that is frequent, timely, and specific
  • Provide feedback that is substantive and informative rather than comparative or competitive
  • Provide feedback that models how to incorporate evaluation, including identifying patterns of errors and wrong answers, into positive strategies for future success

Tight Feedback Loops (Data-Driven Decisions)

Data from digital tools and other sources are used to make decisions about student learning related to standards and provide students specific and timely feedback on their performance and academic growth in relation to standards.

  • Connect data from digital content to differentiated instruction
  • Use assessment data consistently to make differentiated decisions about individual student paths
  • Consistently and intentionally blend external, digital and classroom data
  • Use data from online systems to provide deep analytics
  • Give students immediate feedback regarding performance and growth through a combination of digital tools and directly from their teacher on a daily basis