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Music curriculum in District 6 is driven by our Colorado State Music Standard and taught with the individual student in mind.  We offer a full range of band, orchestra, and vocal music and strive not only to encourage creative participation in class and ensembles, but also build a life-long love for music, past and present. Students also experience music of many types and cultures through co-curricular ensembles such as jazz band and mariachi. Students can expect to perform in a variety of venues including school, community, and state events.

District 6 K-12 music philosophy: A comprehensive, balanced, and sequential K-12 music education in District 6 offers opportunities to explore individual creativity, artistic expression, collaboration, and in-depth understanding of past and present cultures in our diverse world. A solid foundation in music instruction and performance develops life-long skills such as self-discipline, confidence, and focus for all students, leading them to be college and career ready. 

Contact Information

Kathy Azari
K-12 Specials and World Language Coordinator