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Performing Arts


Music curriculum in District 6 is driven by our Colorado State Music Standard and taught with the individual student in mind.  We offer a full range of band, orchestra, and vocal music and strive not only to encourage creative participation in class and ensembles, but also build a life-long love for music, past and present. Students also experience music of many types and cultures through co-curricular ensembles such as jazz band and mariachi. Students can expect to perform in a variety of venues including school, community, and state events.

District 6 K-12 music philosophy: A comprehensive, balanced, and sequential K-12 music education in District 6 offers opportunities to explore individual creativity, artistic expression, collaboration, and in-depth understanding of past and present cultures in our diverse world. A solid foundation in music instruction and performance develops life-long skills such as self-discipline, confidence, and focus for all students, leading them to be college and career ready. 

Contact Information

Kathy Azari
K-12 Specials and World Language Coordinator


Dance curriculum in District 6 is driven by our Colorado State Music Standard and taught with the individual student in mind. We teach a full range of styles with the art of concert dance at the forefront of the experience. Our dance programs are designed to meet the individual student where they are with the intention of growth through varied opportunities to engage with dance and movement at whatever skill level they bring to us. Choreographic application is utilized for both in-class activities and public performances. Students can expect to perform in a variety of venues including school and community events.

District 6 K-12 dance philosophy seeks to provide a comprehensive, holistic, and relevant dance education while supporting the exploration of individual creativity, artistic expression, collaboration, and in-depth connections of historical and cultural contexts. A solid foundation in dance technique, performance, and analysis of the art of dance develops life-long skills in communication, problem-solving, collaboration, and confidence, leading them to be college and career ready.

Student performing dance