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Physical Education/Health

District 6 strongly supports K-12 education and student involvement in the Physical Education and Health. So much so that it is offered at all grade-levels (K-12) and to all students. In elementary school, all students have a P.E./Health class as part of their ‘specials’ rotation, and most all middle level students will also take a P.E./Health class each year, as part of their ‘electives’ wheel. High school students are required to take 1 credit (2 semester courses) of physical education and may choose from many offerings each semester. They are also required to take .5 credits (1 semester course) of Health to graduate. A variety of P.E. courses are offered each year, which vary by school.

Our Physical Education/Health program aligns directly with the Colorado Department of Education state standards in this area.


Contact Information

Kathy Azari
K-12 Specials and World Language Coordinator