Family Center
We have temporarily moved locations due to flooding. We will have a Family Center staff member to support at the Administration Building, first floor. 1025 9th Ave.
Hemos cambiado de ubicación temporalmente debido a las inundaciones. Tendremos un miembro del personal del Centro Familiar para brindar apoyo en el Edificio de Administración, primer piso. 1025 9th Ave.
Contact Us
924 11th St., Greeley, CO 80631
The District 6 Family Center engages, empowers and inspires today's students in partnership with families and communities to succeed in tomorrow's world.
The Family Center strives to ensure that all students and families feel welcomed and have access to the resources, education, and support they need to be successful in the schools and the community.
Our Programs
Migrant Education Program
- Support high-quality education and reduce barriers for migrant children
- Ensure migrant students who move across states do not receive penalties towards graduation
- Help Migrant children become prepared for the workforce or college
21st Century Grant
- Support creation of community learning centers
- Provide academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours
- Help students meet state and local academic standards in core academic subjects
Students/Families in Transition Programs
- Support for Students in Foster Care (Every Student Succeeds Act)
- Support for Students/Families in Transition (McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act)
- Services include: enrollment support, academic support, transportation (if qualified), school supplies, free meals at school, mentoring, tutoring, and advising