Check the name at the top of the page, is it the parent/guardian name or the student's? If it is the student's, then you are logging in using the student's credentials. Only a parent/guardian may complete the Annual Student Update (ASDU). Login using a paent/guardian's credentials.
Check if you are within the time frame of the ASDU for your student's school. Some charter schools have different timelines and their registration may not be open.
Have your school or the Admissions Office staff check to see if you are listed incorrectly in our system, which could be causing errors.
Are you the legal parent/guardian of all students? Many stepparents do not have guardianship rights and will not see all their step-children who are living in the household.
Have your school or the Admissions Office staff check to see if you and all your household members are set-up correctly. If members and/or parent/guardian rights are not set-up correctly, it may be causing errors.
If your students have parents/guardians that live in separate households, then only the household that is marked primary in our information system can complete the ASDU. If you see they are not included in the ASDU as shown above, then your household is marked as the student's secondary household. Please note: our system requires students to have only one primary household, this is not an indication of who is the primary parent/guardian or any other custody or legal issues. Most often, the household that is marked primary is that of the parent/guardian that enrolled the student or the household whose address was used for enrollment.
If no, please have your school or the Admissions Office staff check to see if the students or parent/guardians have been set-up incorrectly in our system.
Any parent/guardian of the student in the primary household can complete the application. If it lists an application number as above, then another parent/guardian began the application but did not complete it. Yo uare able to proceed and complete the application. The system will take you to an area where the previous parent left off.
Any parent/guardian in the student's primary household may complete the ASDU. If you began it, then another parent/guardian may have finished or the other parent/guardian may have completely done the application. You are still able to print the Application Summary PDF and view the information submitted via the ASDU by the other parent/guardian.