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The Pantry

The Pantry

by Nutrition Services

Close up of pantry shelf containing various canned goods and shows a clear bin with a sticker on it of the Pantry's logo
Shelf with various canned goods and a hand grabbing a can of peaches
The back of a woman looking at a shelf full of canned and dry goods
close up of pantry shelf containing various Campbells canned foods.
Shelf with various canned goods and a hand grabbing a can of peaches
Logo for the Pantry - a purple box containing various colored foods.

We picture a school community where all students will never have to worry about having enough food.

We serve as a "temporary food hub" for students and families facing difficulties, such as job losses, medical bills, or financial constraints.

Numerous cardboard boxes set up next to each other containing various pantry foods. A arm can be seen placing items into one of the boxes.

Featuring Pantry Staples, Fresh Items, & More!

We also will be recapturing fresh food from school kitchens that may not have otherwise been able to be used.

Logo for the Success Foundation in white with a blurred teal background.

Supported by Funding from the D6 Success Foundation

The Pantry is made possible through the generosity of local businesses, organizations, and community members.