In accordance with Board policy KEC (Public Concerns/Complaints about Instructional Resources), the Board, though it is ultimately responsible for all curriculum and instructional materials including library books, recognizes the need and right of students to have free access to many different types of books and materials. It also recognizes the right of the professional staff to select books and other materials supportive of the district’s educational philosophy and goals in accordance with Board policies IJ (Instructional Resources and Materials) and IJK (Supplementary Materials Selection and Adoption).
The Board recognizes the right of an individual parent/guardian to request that their child not read a given book. When such a request is presented, the Board encourages matters be resolved informally between the parent/guardian and the teacher, librarian, and/or school administrator as-appropriate who should resolve the situation, perhaps by arranging for use of alternative materials for their child meeting essentially the same instructional purpose. Appropriate school personnel should work directly with the parent/guardian who raises concern to determine whether the parent/guardians’ child should be prohibited from accessing certain instructional materials that may be available at school. This does not apply, however, to basic program texts and materials prescribed within the established curricula that the Board has adopted. The value of any book or other material shall be judged as a whole, taking into account the purpose of the material rather than individual, isolated expressions or incidents in the work.
Complainants who bypass this informal review/reconsideration procedure and who initially seek action from the Board shall be informed of this policy and its accompanying regulation, KEC-R (Public Complaint Review Process), and instructed first to seek solution to their concern with the teacher, librarian, or Principal involved as deemed appropriate by the school site. The Board will not consider a complaint about instructional resources unless the procedures outlined in KEC (Public Concerns/Complaints about Instructional Resources) and its accompanying regulation, KEC-R (Public Complaint Review Process) are followed.
The Board has approved principles governing the selection of all instructional materials including library books and has established policies pertaining to the selection process.
The Board shall provide avenues for students, staff, and parents to express concerns about educational materials used in the district. All complaints regarding the teaching of controversial issues and/or the materials used therein shall be reviewed through Board regulation KEC-E (Public Concerns/Complaints about Instructional Resources - Public Complaint Form).