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Parents' Rights to Exclude Their Child From Health Education

The Board believes a comprehensive health education program is an integral part of each student's education. The health education program should emphasize the functioning and proper care of the human body and encourage the development of lifelong, positive health habits. In addition, it should inform students about potential physical and mental health hazards they are likely to encounter in various life situations and help them make sound, intelligent decisions when they are confronted with choices that could affect their health or that of others.

The Board further believes that the district’s comprehensive health education program should provide information about family life and sex education. While parents have the prime responsibility to assist their children in developing moral values, the district should support and supplement these efforts by offering students factual information and opportunities to discuss the moral and practical concerns, issues and attitudes inherent in family life and sexual behavior.

The district shall teach about family life and sex education in regular courses on anatomy, physiology, science, health, consumer and family studies. If a separate family life or sex education program is developed, it shall not be required. Any curriculum that includes instruction on human sexuality shall be in accordance with applicable law and the district’s academic standards.

In addition to the requirements listed below, the Board's policies and regulations concerning the approval of new curriculum and instructional materials shall apply to any comprehensive health education courses offered by the district:

  1. The basic curriculum and instructional materials to be used in the district's comprehensive health education program shall be available for inspection by the public during school hours. A forum to receive comments from the public concerning the basic curriculum and instructional materials used in the district´s health education program shall be scheduled prior to Board adoption.

  2. In accordance with applicable state law, students' parents/guardians shall be notified in writing prior to the student's involvement in the health education course. The notice to parents/guardians shall include a detailed, substantive outline of the topics and materials to be presented.

  3. The notice shall also inform students' parents/guardians that they may exempt their child, upon written request, from any portion of the district's comprehensive health education curriculum.

    1. If the religious or closely held personal beliefs and teachings of a student or the student’s parent/guardian are contrary to the content of a school subject or to any part of a school activity, the stu­dent may be exempt from participation. To receive such an exemption, the parent/guardian must present a written request for exemption to the school princi­pal, stating the conflict involved. Requests for exemption regarding some or all of the district's curriculum concerning human sexuality shall be in accordance with the Board's policy on health and family life/sex education.

  4. Students shall be provided with alternate educational assignments or activities for credit corresponding to that portion of the planned curriculum from which they are exempt.

For more information regarding this topic and exemption procedures, please refer to Board policies IHAM (Health and Family Life/Sex Education), IHAM-R (Health and Family Life/Sex Education Exemption Procedure), and IMBB (Exemptions from Required Instruction) or visit the District’s website.