Student Use of District Technology
Use of technology, which includes the Internet and electronic communications, require students to think critically, analyze information, write clearly, use problem-solving skills, and hone computer and research skills that employers demand. Use of these tools also encourages an attitude of lifelong learning and offers an opportunity for students to participate in distance learning activities, ask questions of and consult with experts, communicate with other students and individuals, and locate material to meet educational and personal information needs.
Technology, which includes the Internet and electronic communications, are fluid environments in which students may access materials and information from many sources, including some that may be harmful to students. While it is impossible to predict with certainty what information students might locate or come into contact with, the district shall take reasonable steps to protect students from accessing material and information that is obscene, child pornography, pornographic or otherwise harmful to minors, as defined by the Board. Students shall take responsibility for their own use of district technology devices to avoid contact with material or information that may be harmful to minors. For purposes of this policy, “district technology device” means any district-owned computer, hardware, software, or other technology that is used for learning purposes and has access to the Internet.
No Expectation of Privacy
District technology devices are owned by the district and are intended for educational purposes at all times. Students shall have no expectation of privacy when using district technology devices. The district reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review, and store (at any time and without prior notice) all usage of district technology devices, including all Internet and electronic communications access and transmission/receipt of materials and information. All material and information accessed/received through district technology devices shall remain the property of the school district.
District 6 requires parents and eligible students to sign its Annual Acceptable Use Agreement regarding the use of district technology. Any violation of the Annual Acceptance Use Agreement may result in a loss of access privileges, as well as disciplinary and/or legal action depending on the severity of the violation. For more information, please refer to Board policies JS (Student Use of the Internet and Electronic Communications), and the Annual Use Acceptance Agreement under Board policy JS-E (Student Use of the Internet and Electronic Communications Annual Acceptable Use Agreement).