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Third Party Recruiters in D6 High Schools

Pursuant to Board policy KLMA ( Relations with Military Recruiters, Postsecondary Institutions and Prospective Employers), all military recruiters, postsecondary institutions and prospective employers shall be treated uniformly with regard to the conduct of on-campus student recruitment. A schedule of recruiters visiting the district’s high schools will be announced to the student body in advance by each school’s guidance office through publications and/or by posting on bulletin boards. Recruiters will be allowed to conduct meetings during the school day with those students who are interested.

Recruiters shall be permitted to conduct follow-up visits to the high school in order to meet with individual students upon the individual request of the student involved and with the authorization of the high school administration. Requests for follow-up individual meetings are to be scheduled through the student’s guidance counselor. All group meetings are to be scheduled through the guidance office at each high school. 

The parent or eligible student has the right to refuse to permit the designation of any or all of the categories of directory information if such refusal is received in writing in the office of the principal of the school where the student is in attendance no later than September 7 or the following Monday if September 7 is a Saturday or Sunday.

Directory and other student information shall be released to recruiters as allowable in accordance with policy JRA/JRC (Student Records/Release of Information on Students).