Student Code of Conduct
Attendance Policy
One criteria of a student’s success in school is regular and punctual attendance. Frequent absences may lead to poor academic work, lack of social development, and possible academic failure. Regular attendance is of utmost importance for school interest, social adjustment, and scholastic achievement. No single factor may interfere with a student’s progress more quickly than frequent tardiness or absence.
According to state law, it is the obligation of every parent/guardian to ensure that every child under their care and supervision receives adequate education and training and, if of compulsory attendance age, attends school.
Continuity in the learning process and social adaptation is seriously disrupted by excessive absences. In most situations, the work missed cannot be made up adequately. Students who have good attendance generally achieve higher grades, enjoy school more, and are more employable after leaving school. For at least these reasons, the Board believes that a student must satisfy two basic requirements in order to earn full class credit: (1) satisfy all academic requirements and (2) exhibit good attendance habits as stated in this policy.
Student Dress Codes for District 6 Schools
There are two dress codes in effect within District 6, a Universal Student Dress Code that applies to all students in all schools, and an Enhanced Dress Code that applies only to specific schools.
Dress Codes for All Schools
All students are expected to adhere to the district’s Universal Student Dress Code (Board of Education Policy, section JICA):
- Any clothing item or accessory that causes a disruption to school safety, personal safety and/or the learning environment may result in discretionary intervention by school administrators.
- Tattoos, clothing or accessories that display drugs, sexual innuendos, inappropriate language, alcohol, tobacco products or gang connotations are not permitted. Tattoos displaying any of these must be covered at all times.
- No hats are permitted inside of the school building during the school day. If “hoodies” are worn, the hood may not be worn inside of the school. (Religious headwear is an exception.)
- Sunglasses or dark glasses, absent a verified medical condition, are not to be worn or displayed inside of the school building.
- Trench coats are not permitted anywhere on school property.
- Soled shoes or sandals must be worn at all times (for example, no “bedroom” slippers or similar footwear.)
- Undergarments are not to be exposed.
- Inappropriately sheer, tight or low cut clothing that bare or expose traditionally private parts of the body including, but not limited to, the stomach, buttocks, back, breasts or cleavage is not permitted.
- No shaved or notched eyebrows (absent a verified medical condition).
- No red or blue belts or shoelaces.
- No team jerseys or belt buckles that display the numbers 13, 14, 18, 31, 41 or 81.
- No solid red or solid blue shirts (other than designated school uniforms).
- No red or blue “Dickies” or “Southpole” brand pants, shorts or shirts.
- No red or blue bandana or any color bandana that is draped on clothing or hanging out of a pocket.
Enhanced Dress Code for Specific Schools
Some schools in District 6 have individually chosen to have a more detailed and prescriptive dress code, in addition to the districtwide Universal Student Dress Code. The enhanced dress code is also sometimes called a “school uniform.”
Schools following the enhanced dress code work with local service organizations to provide families with assistance in purchasing the designated clothing.