Board of Education
The Greeley-Evans School District 6 Board of Education is composed of seven volunteer MEMBERS, elected at-large. A president and vice president are selected from the board membership by a majority of the voting members.
Board of Education meetings are generally held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month except July. The meetings are usually held at the District 6 Administration Building, 1025 Ninth Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631.
Board of Education meetings usually consist of a work session beginning at 4:00 p.m. and a regular business meeting at 6:00 p.m. Both meetings are open to the public. On occasion, the Board will hold community listening meetings at schools and other community sites, rather than holding a regular business meeting.
All meetings, times, and locations are announced ONLINE. Please check the calendar for updates and details. Work sessions and meetings are also broadcast live on the GREELEY SCHOOLS YOUTUBE PAGE and District 6 cable public access channel 16.
People wishing to address the board are asked to complete the PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FORM no later than 12:00 p.m. on the day of a meeting. If you are unable to sign up via the form, contact Amy Lemon at 970-348-6012 prior to 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting to sign up. Any questions regarding public participation at board meetings can be directed to Amy Lemon by EMAIL or at 970-348-6012.
Anyone needing a language interpreter present at a board meeting is asked to contact Amy Lemon at 970-348-6012 a minimum of three business days prior to the meeting to arrange that service.
The Board welcomes the comments of community members and has dedicated a portion of each business meeting agenda for the community to present brief comments to the Board. The Board typically does not engage in discussion or provide an immediate response to the input but will ask district staff to respond, as appropriate. Written testimony or speaker handouts must be submitted to the Board Secretary, not to individual board members.
Speakers will be heard in the order they signed up to speak and comments are limited to two minutes. Priority will be given to speakers in the order set forth in Board regulation BEDH-R. When a large number of speakers request permission to be heard, the Board President reserves the right to shorten each speaker’s time limit if the length of public comment exceeds one hour or longer. When a large number of speakers request permission to be heard, the Board president shall have the discretion to adjust the time allotted for public input as may be necessary to allow the Board ample time to conduct its current business. The Board president shall have the discretion to set a time limit on the aggregate length of this period for public comment and may move any additional speakers to the end of the meeting, depending on the length of the agenda and the number of speakers requesting to comment.
The Board is committed to providing a safe environment where all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect and expects all speakers to exercise their speech rights responsibly. Speakers’ remarks must be suitable for an audience that includes kindergarten through twelfth grade students. All speakers, and those in attendance, shall conduct themselves in a non-disruptive manner. Cheering, snapping, clapping and other distractions are not allowed during or upon completion of any public comment. All speakers, and those in attendance, who disturb order may be asked to leave. Defamatory or threatening remarks are always out of order. Speakers should be mindful of profane or obscene remarks and their appropriateness for an audience that includes kindergarten through twelfth grade students. The presiding officer may terminate the speaker’s privilege of address if, after being called to order, the speaker persists in improper conduct or remarks. Signs, banners, and other distracting items are not allowed in the board room. The Board President will ask you to leave materials outside the room or you may be asked to leave. Nondisruptive signs, posters, displays, or other visual depictions are allowed in the board meeting insofar as the items are no larger than an 8.5 X 11’ standard unit of paper. Video or audio recordings may not be played during public comment unless prior written approval is given. The Board encourages the discussion of confidential topics such as personnel or individual student issues to be conducted in private such as in executive session or as otherwise governed in Board policy. For additional information about orderly conduct at D6 Board of Education meetings, please refer to Board regulation BEDH-R. These boundaries are designed to help keep the meeting focused and in no way should limit conversations beyond the Board meeting. Thank you in advance for your participation.