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Project Updates

With the passage of a $395 million bond issue in November 2019,  the Bond Executive Committee began working on a timeline to complete the projects outlined in the ballot measure. This includes rebuilding two schools, extensive renovations and additions to two schools, the construction of a new K-8 school, repairs and renovations to every school in District 6 including charter schools and renovations for college and career preparation spaces at every school.

RLH Engineering has been hired by District 6 as an owners representative, and will monitor all the construction projects to help ensure they are completed on time and within budget to the highest specifications.

The progress on all projects funded through the bond issue will be described here. Please check back for updates, events, photos, videos and progress monitoring. 

Thank you, voters of Greeley and Evans! Your investment in our schools is having a positive impact on our students districtwide!

Current Projects