Completed Projects
With the passage of a $395 million bond issue in November 2019, the Bond Executive Committee began working on a timeline to complete the projects outlined in the ballot measure. This includes rebuilding two schools, extensive renovations and additions to two schools, the construction of a new K-8 school, repairs and renovations to every school in District 6 including charter schools and renovations for college and career preparation spaces at every school. These projects are considered completed under the plan for the 2019 bond issue.
- Bella Romero Academy 4-8 School
- Billie Martinez Elementary
- Chappelow K-8
- Dos Rios Elementary
- Franklin Middle School
- Fred Tjardes School of Innovation
- Greeley Central High School
- Greeley West High School
- Harold S. Winograd K-8
- Heath Middle School
- Heiman Elementary School
- Jackson Elementary School
- James Madison STEAM Academy
- Jefferson High School/Career and Technical Education Center
- Jefferson Junior High School/Transitions
- Maplewood Elementary School
- Meeker Elementary School
- Monfort Elementary School
- Northridge High School
- S. Christa McAuliffe STEM Academy
- Scott Elementary School
- The Tointon Academy of Pre-Engineering
- Shawsheen Elementary School
Bella Romero Academy 4-8 School
August 2021
Bella Romero Academy 4-8 Campus was one of the 2021 summer bond projects. It received new paint and flooring, new classroom door hardware, a new boiler and a new secure vestibule entrance. As well, a SmartLab was installed in the library as part of the College and Career Readiness bond projects.
Billie Martinez Elementary
GSG Architecture and Design, Greeley (This firm recently designed the new Advanced Manufacturing Lab at Greeley Central High School.)
Proposed Repairs and Renovation in the 2019 Bond Issue
- Enhance safety and security, including improved entry
- Replace aging door hardware for improved function and security
- Remove and replace worn carpet and flooring, abate asbestos where needed
- Paint and refinish walls and ceilings based on greatest need
- Replace temperature control systems
- Accessibility improvements in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act ADA
Roche Constructors, Inc.
Bond Updates
June 2022
Construction has started on an eight-classroom addition at Martinez Elementary, which will include additional bathrooms and office space. Four portable classrooms have already been removed from the site, and the rest will be removed when the project is completed. Construction will continue through the 2022-2023 school year. The addition will be completed by August of 2023.
November 2022
An eight classroom addition is well underway on the northwest side of the existing building. This will allow the school to eliminate eight classrooms currently in temporary portable buildings. Roche Construction is the contractor on this project, which is slated to be completed by August 2023. The school hosted a beam topping ceremony in September to mark the last steel beam that was placed in the new construction. Students and staff signed the beam before it was placed in the school.
June 2023
The eight-classroom addition on the northwest side of the original Martinez school is complete! Finishing touches are underway on this amazing addition so that it will be fully ready for students in August. All the portable modular classrooms will soon be removed from the site. The addition also includes bathrooms and some staff office space. Classrooms in the older part of the building have already been renovated, and a secure vestibule entrance was constructed. This addition at the school is totally funded through proceeds from the sale of the bonds back in 2020.
Chappelow K-8
Proposed Repairs and Renovation in the 2019 Bond Issue
Chappelow was converted to an Arts Magnet K-8 two decades ago. The school does not have a neighborhood boundary and all students are open enrolled from areas throughout District 6. Chappelow and the arts magnet program have been a popular choice for students and parents, and the school is more than 200 students over capacity.
Despite the school's focus on the fine arts, Chappelow has no formal performing arts space. Therefore, a significant addition is proposed for the school that would include additional classrooms that will facilitate the removal of temporary, portable buildings, and the construction of a performing arts space, to be determined with input from the school community.
In addition, repairs and renovations to the existing building will include enhanced safety and security, including an improved entry; replacement of aging heating and cooling systems, replacement of worn carpet and flooring, and asbestos abatement where needed; replacement of plumbing fixtures; replacement of aging door hardware to improve function and security; painting and refinishing walls and ceilings based on greatest need; replacement of select kitchen equipment, installation of energy efficient lighting and accessibility improvements in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Improvements will also be made to some classrooms and learning spaces.
Bond Updates
January 2021
August 2021
Work is underway at Chappelow Arts Magnet to construct additional classrooms and performing arts spaces at the school. The new performing arts space is being built to the west of the existing school, and will include a flexible auditorium, music classrooms and a dance studio. Some classrooms inside the existing building were renovated this summer and the remaining classrooms will be renovated next summer. In addition, a new secure entrance will be constructed. The frame of the new entrance has been installed but won’t be completed until next summer. This project is on schedule and is slated to be completed in August 2022.
January 2022
Work is progressing on the new addition at Chappelow Arts Magnet. The new performance space and classrooms are being constructed now. The new entrance to the school will be finished over the summer. As well, portables on the north side of the building will be removed this summer. With the new addition, NO Chappelow students will be learning in portable buildings next year!
The new addition will be completed by August 2022, and a dedication ceremony and open house will be held.
May 2022
The large addition to Chappelow is moving along and will be completed by August. Older students got to tour the school recently to see the construction. The new performance areas and classrooms are close to being finished. And, there will be no more portable buildings on site in the Fall.
Once school is out in May, construction will begin on the new office area at the front of the school. This will include a secure entrance.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new addition will be held in mid-August.
June 2022
The new addition to Chappelow Arts Magnet school will open when students return to school in August. The performing arts wing of the school is nearly completed. Contractors are working on renovating the old office space and creating a new, secure entry. The playground is also being renovated and the parking lot is being expanded and will be resurfaced. The portable classrooms at the site have been removed. A ribbon cutting for the new wing is tentatively scheduled for August 16, and will be followed by a public open house and tours.
Design Advisory Group
A Design Advisory Group works with architects to help design major elements of a building or project. It is composed of people from the school's community, including staff, parents and students. The Design Advisory Group holds regular meetings throughout the project. Here is the membership for the Chappelow K-8 Arts Magnet School Design Advisory Group:
Christopher Kieffer, Principal
Jess Oziah, Assistant Principal
Mary Porter, Parent, CPTO President
Karen Burroughs, DHH
Sue Davis, Choir and Music Teacher
Megan Schmidt, 8th Grade Language Arts Teacher
Sydney Elder, 1st Grade Teacher
Will Pharis, Theater Teacher
Courtney Fay, School Counselor
Jill Burczyk, Art Teacher
Michelle Romero, SPED
Teri Oberleitner, Office Manager
Ben Kleiber, Band Teacher
John Sosna, Parent and SAC Member
Dos Rios Elementary
August 2021
Construction took place at Dos Rios Elementary School this summer to upgrade the heating and cooling system, including new classroom venting and air systems, a new boiler and new chiller. In addition, the school received new flooring, paint, door lock hardware and a new secure vestibule entrance. As well, a SmartLab was installed in the library as part of the College and Career Readiness bond projects.
Franklin Middle School
Proposed Repairs and Renovation in the 2019 Bond Issue
- Enhance safety and security, including improved entry
- Replace aging door hardware for improved function and security
- Remove and replace worn carpet and flooring
- Paint and refinish walls and ceilings based on greatest need
- Update heating, ventilation and cooling system
- Partial roof replacement
- Accessibility improvements in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Bond Updates
November 2021
With approval of the Citizens Bond Oversight committee, bond proceeds will be used to construct a 1,500 square foot office addition to Franklin Middle School. This addition will provide much-needed office space for counselors, office staff and administrators, as well as create a safe and security entry. A general contractor for the project will be hired this month. In addition, Franklin will receive a SmartLab, new paint and flooring and other renovations during the summer of 2022.
June 2022
Upgrades at Franklin will begin this summer and continue through the summer of 2023. This summer, the school will receive new door hardware, carpet, and paint, as well as renovations to the space that will house the school’s new SmartLab. Installation of new unit ventilation systems will also begin and continue into the school year. In the spring of 2023, construction will begin on a new office addition on the west side of the building that will include a secure vestibule.
June 2023
Work continues on classroom renovations at Franklin, including new flooring, paint, door hardware and unit ventilator replacement. The new secure office addition is underway on the west side of the building. The new section of the building will provide much needed administrative office space for staff.
October 2023
The new secure vestibule entrance and office addition was completed this summer, Now, the administrative team and counselors finally have enough work space! The beautiful new entrance provides a welcoming introduction to the renovated spaces inside.
Classrooms at the school also were renovated, including new paint, flooring and door hardware.
Fred Tjardes School of Innovation
Each school will be provided funding for instructional upgrades to be determined through a collaborative process that will include the school community. Improvements could include STEM labs, project-based learning spaces, furniture, classroom modifications, fine arts equipment and supplies, health and wellness equipment and spaces, or other capital improvements that support programs and students.
As Jefferson Junior High School and the Transitions Program move out of the Cameron Building to the former Jefferson High School, room is being made for the Fred Tjardes School of Innovation. Fred Tjardes has been housed this year temporarily on the University of Northern Colorado campus. Some walls are being taken down at the Cameron building to accommodate this innovative school, which uses project-based learning. Other renovations will be completed this summer so the school can open in its new, permanent home in August.
Bond Updates
June 2023
As Jefferson Junior High School and the Transitions Program move out of the Cameron Building to the former Jefferson High School, room is being made for the Fred Tjardes School of Innovation. Fred Tjardes has been housed this year temporarily on the University of Northern Colorado campus. Some walls are being taken down at the Cameron building to accommodate this innovative school, which uses project-based learning. Other renovations will be completed this summer so the school can open in its new, permanent home in August.
October 2023
The first phase of renovations on the new, permanent home of the Fred Tjardes School of Innovation was completed over the summer. Some work continued into the fall and additional renovations will occur in the summer of 2024.
Several walls were removed to open up spaces for the innovation school over the summer. Next summer, exterior doors will be replaced and some will be added. In addition, a secure, vestibule entry will be constructed.
Greeley Central High School
Proposed Repairs and Renovation in the 2019 Bond Issue
Enhance safety and security, including improved entry
Partial roof replacement
- Replace aging door hardware for improved function and secuirty
- Remove and replace areas of worn carpet and flooring; abate asbestos where needed
- Paint and refinish walls and ceilings based on greatest need
- Replace boilers and cooling tower
- Accessibility improvements in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Bond Updates
June 2022
The Greeley Central renovation project will take place over two summers. During the summer of 2022, multiple roofs, including the main roof on the school, will be replaced. This is being paid for in part through a Building Excellent Schools Today grant from the State of Colorado. The corridors will also be painted and replacement of ventilation units will begin. Upgrades to the theater - including audio, lighting, curtains and risers - is also underway. In addition, Career and College Readiness renovations will be completed on the fashion design classroom, business/marketing classroom and photography lab. The catering classroom will receive an upgrade during the summer of 2023. As well, security upgrades including door hardware and a new secure vestibule on the northeast side of the building, and new paint and carpet will be completed in the summer of 2023.
November 2022
Construction will begin this month on a new secure vestibule entrance and office. This will be located on the north side of the building, where the breezeway walk-through is now located. In addition, renovations to the library are complete. A portion of the room was remodeled to become a new school store to support the Business and Marketing career pathway at the school. The original wood floors in the room were restored and the store was constructed on the north end of the library. The outdated computer lab was also renovated into a Business and Marketing classroom. The photography lab, part of the Arts Magnet Program at the school, was also redesigned. Work at Greeley Central will continue through next summer.
June 2023
New unit ventilators have been installed in all the classrooms using federal funding from ESSER (COVID Relief funds for education). As well, the historic library has been renovated to include a new classroom and school store. Excavation for the new secure entry on the North side of the building is complete and construction is underway. As soon as students were out of school, crews began removing old flooring and preparing walls for paint. New flooring will also be installed in the cafeteria and some hallways. Construction of the new entry will take place over the summer. Also this summer, all classrooms will receive technology upgrades. The culinary kitchen classroom will also be renovated and receive upgraded equipment.
October 2023
All classroom renovations were completed over the summer, providing new carpet, flooring, paint and door hardware. Interactive ViewSonic boards were also installed in most classrooms.
Work is still being done to replace the external doors at all the major entrances. These new doors will improve access and security. These should be installed this semester.
Work on the new front entrance and office should also be completed this fall.
Greeley West High School
A Design Advisory Group works with architects to help design major elements of a building or project. It is composed of people from the school's community, including staff, parents and students. The Design Advisory Group holds regular meetings throughout the project. Here is the membership for the Greeley West Design Advisory Group:
Jeff Cranson, Principal
Amy Zulauf, Assistant Principal
Stephen Paulson, Social Studies Department Chair
Jane Burke, Math Teacher
Amy Tuttle, English Department
Jordan Karlberg, Construction Trades Department Chair
Kelly Stephens, Counselor
Tom Nugent, Orchestra Teacher
Barb Broderius, IB Parent
Tony Scott, Science Teacher
Dawn Feinberg, Art
Lane Renouf, Student
James Mathews, Student
Bob Billings, District Athletic Director
Sasha Cohoon, Office Manager
Ryan Walstrom, PE Teacher and Coach
Bond Updates
January 2021
Construction at Greeley West is moving along quickly. Prefabricated concrete walls are being raised and secured at the south end of the new school. The new Career and Technical Education classrooms and shops have walls, as well as the new auxiliary gymnasium. There is also an elevator shaft that is now visible. Tubes for radiant floor heat have also been installed in the south wing. The orchestra pit and lower floor of the theater has also been constructed. There is a significant amount of dirt being moved on the site, and a retention pond is being constructed at the northwest corner of the property. As well, the old auxilary gymnasium on the old school has been torn down to make room for the new school. The tennis courts have also been torn out as well as the softball field. These will be moved and rebuilt in a new location.
November 2021
The construction of the new Greeley West High School is on schedule and on budget. The interior spaces are now the concentration of construction, as most of the exterior has been finished. The floor in the gymnasium is down and bleachers are being installed. The interiors are being finished on the south Career and Technical Education wing. Tile is up on the walls, bathrooms are nearly finished, flooring is in and walls are painted. Plans are to move those programs from the old building into the new building over spring break, so that demolition of the portables currently housing some of those programs can begin. The auditorium is coming together, and the stage is nearly completed. Classrooms on the north side of the building are under construction.
May 2022
Teams from Orion Environmental are removing asbestos in the old Greeley West High School in anticipation of the building being torn down in July. In April, inspectors found additional asbestos in the roof at Greeley West. What was believed to be a two week abatement became a minimum 12-week abatement. Most students finished school on April 29, so teachers could move into the open spaces in the new building, where they continued to work through the end of the school year.
Construction on the new school is near completion and is on schedule. Crews are finishing the interior of the building and working on landscaping to the West. A ribbon cutting ceremony will be held in early August to officially open the new building before students return on August 11.
June 2022
The roof abatement at the old school is moving along, although a bit more slowly than contractor’s hoped. Weather, mostly in the form of high winds, have caused some delays. Workers wearing full protective gear are working under tarps to complete the asbestos removal from the roof. This must occur before the old building can be torn down. Because of this project and the delay in tearing down the school, the main parking lot for the new school will not be complete by the time the new Greeley West opens in August. Parking will be available north and south of the new school.
Finishing touches are being completed on the new Greeley West. Landscaping to the west of the school is complete. The state-of-the-are auditorium is nearly finished. And the final equipment and furniture is being installed in the core classroom wing on the north end of the building. The ribbon cutting for the new school is tentatively scheduled for August 9, and will be followed by a public open house and tours.
Harold S. Winograd K-8
Heath Middle School
Proposed Repairs and Renovation in the 2019 Bond Issue
Enhance safety and security, including improved entry
Replace aging door hardware for improved function and security
- Remove and replace worn carpet and flooring, abate asbestos where needed
- Paint and refinish walls and ceilings based on greatest need
- Complete roof replacement
- Accessibility improvements in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Bond Updates
August 2021
District 6 applied for a building Excellent Schools Today grant through the state of Colorado to replace the roof at Heath. Bond dollars were used for the matching dollars required by this grant program. Next summer, Heath Middle School will also be renovated with bond dollars, including a new secure entrance.
November 2021
The Citizens Bond Oversight Committee has approved a 12,000 square foot addition at Heath Middle School to remove portable classrooms form the site and create a new, secure entry. The main office and entry will be constructed on the south side of the building. A new wood shop will be constructed on the northeast corner of the building and a new choir room will be constructed o the northwest corner of the school. This addition will remove nine portable classrooms and expand Career and Technical Education space at Heath. This addition will be paid for through proceeds from the bond sales. In addition, Heath will receive a SmartLab, new paint and flooring and other upgrades during the summer of 2022.
June 2022
Renovations will begin this summer at Heath, and continue through summer and fall of 2023, when a new addition will be constructed, including a new office, a wood shop and a choir room. This summer the media center and two science classrooms will be renovated. New ventilation systems will also be installed. All portable buildings will be removed when the project is completed.
November 2022
If you drive by Heath Middle School, you will notice the obvious fencing surrounding the south end of the building. The school is getting an addition, as well as undergoing a fairly extensive renovation. The renovation will consist of converting the library into two updated science classrooms. The existing office will be converted into two English classrooms and all rooms and the cafeteria will receive new flooring, paint and door hardware. The addition will consist of three parts: a new choir room, a new wood shop and a new office area with a clinic, SmartLab, art room and secure vestibule. Classrooms will also receive new carpeting and paint on a rotating basis throughout the school year.
April 2023
The final steel beam was placed on the south addition at Heath Middle School on Friday, April 14th, 2023, marking a milestone in the bond-funded project.
As the snowflakes fell, a group of students and District 6 staff watched as a crane hoisted the beam to the final slot on the roof of the addition.
The project, which includes a new wood shop, music room and office for Heath, is funded through the 2019 Bond Issue. Superintendent Dr. Deirdre Pilch thanked the voters of Greeley and Evans for the Heath project, and for all the other bond projects that have been completed or are underway in District 6.
"So go home and thank your parents, your grandparents, your aunts and uncles for passing the Bond Issue that made this all possible," Dr. Pilch told the students.
The classrooms on the north side of the building are slated to be completed by August 2023. The new entrance and classrooms on the south side of the building are scheduled to be completed in November 2023.
June 2023
A new front office, art room and STEM lab is being constructed on the southside of Heath, facing 16th Street. This will be the new secure entrance for the school when it is completed in November 2023. In addition, a wood shop and music room are being added on the north side of the building. This will allow all the portable buildings to be removed from the school site. Classroom renovations have already been completed in the building.
October 2023
The renovation of all classrooms was completed over the summer. The new choir and shop additions were also completed and are in use this semester.
The new main office with a secure entrance is still under construction, but should be completed by the end of November, when a ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held. In addition to a new entrance and administrative office space, the new construction will include an art classroom and SmartLab.
Heiman Elementary School
Jackson Elementary School
GSG Architecture and Design, Greeley (This firm recently designed the new Advanced Manufacturing Lab at Greeley Central High School.)
Bond Updates
May 2020
Jackson Elementary School is one of the first schools that will have its bond projects completed. Beginning this summer, construction will begin on a secured entryway for Jackson. As well, the school will receive new door hardware (locks and handles), some new doors where necessary, some new exterior windows and doors, and new paint and flooring. The school will also develop a plan for its instructional/career and college preparation upgrades. Once the plan is approved, construction could begin on that space this summer as well.
June 2020
McCauley Constructors, Inc., Windsor
James Madison STEAM Academy
Mission & Vision Task Force
- Wes Tuttle, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary and K-8 Schools
- Theresa Myers, Chief Communications Officer
Committee Members
- Steve Isenhour, Principal
- Jenny Yeager, Teacher
- Angie Mueller, Teacher
- Sammi Knigge, Teacher
- Bri Svendsen, Teacher
- Missy Tarantino, CLD Teacher
- Eva Chinn, Art Teacher
- Diana Retana, Classified
- Diana Rubalcava, Office Manager/Parent
- Cameron Shinn, Assistant Principal
Bond Updates
January 2021
A Mission and Vision Task Force met six times last semester to recommend the grade configuration and focus of the new Madison. This committee received feedback from staff, parents and students to reach these recommendations. The intent is for the new Madison to be a preschool-eighth grade, with a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) focus and the intent to work toward becoming an AVID Showcase School. The group also recommended forming a Naming Committee to decide whether or not Madison should be renamed. Architects for this new school will be hired this Spring, and a Design Advisory Group will begin meeting.
August 2021
Madison Elementary School will be rebuilt on the site of the existing school. It is currently in the development and design phase, working with architects from Hord, Coplan and Macht, the same group that designed Greeley West High School. The contractor for this project is Adolfson and Peterson, who is also constructing Greeley West. The school is slated to open in August 2023.
June 2023
The last week of the 2022-2023 school year, current and former staff, students, family members and administrators gathered at Madison Elementary School to remember and honor the building that has housed students for more than 60 years. Right after school was out for the year, contractors began preparing the old Madison school for tear down, which will occur over the summer. Construction of the new school is on schedule and slated to open in August when students return.
October 2023
The ribbon was cut in August on the completed James Madison STEAM Academy K-8. Over the summer, the old school was torn down. That area occupied by the old school is being landscaped for recreation and play areas.
The new school serves students in grades preschool through eighth grade. The building features a SmartLab, maker spaces, science labs and the latest technology. The school also will feature a community health clinic, which will operate in partnership with Sunrise Community Health.
The 113,500 square-foot school, which cost nearly $50 million to construct, was designed by Hord, Coplan and Macht, and constructed Adolfson and Peterson, the same team that designed and built Greeley West High School.
Jefferson High School/Career and Technical Education Center
Bond Updates
August 2021
In 2018, Greeley-Evans School District 6 purchased the former Colorado Department of Transportation property located at the corner of 14th Avenue and 2nd Street in Greeley. This property is adjacent to Billie Martinez Elementary School and other storage property owned by District 6. The Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee approved the use of proceeds form the bond sale to renovate and rebuild this site to accommodate a new Jefferson High School. Jefferson is currently located in a former elementary school. The renovated building will allow for the expansion of Career and Technical Education programs at Jefferson, especially the Construction Trades Program. This site is in the design phase and asbestos is being abated in the existing building. The new Jefferson High School is slated to open in August of 2023.
November 2021
A Design Advisory Group has started meeting with the architects from HCM on the new design of Jefferson High School at the former Colorado Department of Transportation site at the intersection of 2nd Street and 14th Avenue. In addition. plans will include a new Career and Technical Education Center that will house the current Jefferson construction trades, business and early childhood education career pathways, and will add programs for cosmetology and welding. District 6 is seeking grants and donations to launch the two new CTE programs that will be housed at this site.
May 2022
Demolition will begin this summer on the former Colorado Department of Transportation building at the corner of 14th Avenue and 2nd Street to make way for the new Jefferson High School and Career and Technical Education Center. The garage located on the site will be preserved and remodeled to house three CTE programs.
The Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee approved using proceeds from the first sale of the 2019 bonds to fund the new school and center. The 52,500-square-foot building will cost an estimated $22 million to construct.
Five Career and Technical Education programs will be included in the new CTE Center, which includes part of the Jefferson High School wing of the building. The programs are: Early Childhood Education, Construction, including and electrical pathway, Welding, Information Technology with an emphasis on cybersecurity and Cosmetology. Jefferson will also continue CTE programs in Business/Marketing and Alternative Cooperative Education.
This project is slated to be completed in August of 2023.
The former Jefferson High School will convert to Jefferson Junior High School, and will also house the Transitions, SWAP, Audiology and Child Find programs.
The Success Foundation Serving Greeley-Evans Schools is conducting a campaign to raise funds for equipment for the new CTE Center. To donate to this project, visit:
D6 Career and Technical Education Center / Jefferson High School from Hord Coplan Macht on Vimeo.
June 2022
Roche Constructors is the contractor for this project. In June, permits were secured to begin demolition of some of the metal buildings on site, as well as the old Colorado Department of Transportation offices. After demolition is complete, construction will begin on the new Jefferson High School. The remaining brick garage will be renovated to house three CTE programs: Cosmetology, Welding and Information Technology (cybersecurity). Programs in Early Child Care and Business will be located in the Jefferson High School wing
October 2022
Greeley-Evans School District 6 is seeking public input on the naming of this new Career and Technical Education Center currently under construction.
Funded through the 2019 Bond Issue, the Center is under construction at 1420 2nd Street, north of Billie Martinez Elementary School. District 6 is seeking recommendations from the community for the name of the CTE Center. The Center will have five unique career pathways: Early Childhood Education, Cosmetology, IT-Cybersecurity, Welding and Construction-Electrical.
According to District 6 Board of Education policy and regulation, the following guidelines shall be used when considering facility names:
- The street on which the school is located, or
- The community or area of the city in which the school is located, or
- In memory of a famous American (surname only), or
- In recognition of the contribution to education by a resident or family associated with the local community, or an outstanding citizen who is deceased for at least five years (surname only), and
- No two schools in the district shall be given the same name.
Recommendations may be submitted by residents of the Greeley-Evans School District 6 by November 30 at 4:00 p.m. The Naming Committee - composed of community members, district staff and students - will make recommendation(s) for naming the new school to the Superintendent, who will make a recommendation(s) to the Board of Education, which has final approval.
November 2022
The construction of the new Jefferson High School is moving along quickly at the corner of 14th Avenue and 2nd Street, at the site of the former Colorado Department of Transportation Building. The office building was torn down for the construction of the new high school. A brick garage in the back is being renovated to house the new Career and Technical Education Center. The center will house five CTE programs: Information Technology, with an emphasis on cybersecurity, cosmetology, welding, construction trades with an emphasis on electrical and early childhood education program. Both buildings are scheduled to open in August 2023.
June 2023
The new Jefferson High School and adjacent Career and Technical Education Center will open for students in August. Three Career and Technical education programs will be housed in the brick building adjacent to Jefferson High School, as well as two that will be located inside the Jefferson building. The five Career and Technical Education programs are: Construction Trades with an emphasis on electrical, Cosmetology, Information Technology with an emphasis on cybersecurity, Teacher Cadet and Early Childhood Education and Welding. The Jefferson High School wing is all new construction; the CTE Center is a partial renovation of an existing building. Between the two buildings is a courtyard that includes a playground for the in-house daycare center, a seating area for outdoor dining and a patio for the art room. The spring rains have delayed the construction of the parking lot at the building, but crews are working as quickly as possible to complete the asphalt lot.
October 2023
The ribbon was cut on the new Jefferson High School and District 6 Career and Technical Education Center in August. While construction was mostly complete when school began, a few finishing touches are being completed through the Fall.
Jefferson High School occupies the two-story new building to the west. This space also houses classrooms for three of the Career and Technical Education programs on the north side, including the Teacher Cadet, Cyber Security and Cosmetology programs. The renovated building to the west houses spaces for the Cosmetology salon, the Welding program and the Construction Trades and Electrical program.
This beautiful, new space includes the latest technology, a cafeteria and commons space, flexible classrooms, and outdoor learning spaces.
Jefferson Junior High School/Transitions
Proposed Repairs and Renovations in the 2019 Bond Issue
- Enhance safety and security, including improved entry
- Replace aging door hardware for improved function and security
- Remove and replace worn carpet and flooring
- Paint and refinish walls and ceilings based on greatest need
- Partial roof replacement
- Accessibility improvements in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
Bond Updates
June 2023
Renovations at the former Jefferson High School are underway this summer, including creating a secure vestibule entrance and renovating classrooms. The east side of the building will be the new Jefferson Junior High School. The west wing of the building will be used by several programs: Transitions, Child Find, SWAP and SWAAC. Renovations and remodeling are scheduled to be completed by August 2023.
October 2023
Renovations are complete on the new Jefferson Junior High School and District 6 Student Access. The former Jefferson High School underwent extensive renovations to create space for the school and the programs the building now houses.
Jefferson Junior High School occupies the east side of the building. The Student Access area in the west wing of the school includes the Transitions Program, School to Work Alliance Program, SWAAC Assistive Technology Program, Audiology Program and Child Find. These programs had previously been housed in the Cameron Building (now Fred Tjardes School of Innovation) and in buildings north of Billie Martinez Elementary School.
Renovations of all these spaces included new carpet and flooring, paint, new door hardware and new technology.
Maplewood Elementary School
Proposed Repairs and Renovation in the 2019 Bond Issue
- Enhance safety and security, including improved entry
- Replace aging door hardware for improved function and security
- Remove and replace worn carpet and flooring, abate asbestos where needed
- Paint and refinish walls and ceilings based on greatest need
- Replace aging mechanical boiler
- Accessibility improvements in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Bond Updates
June 2022
New carpet, paint and door hardware will be completed this summer. In addition, a new secure vestibule entrance will be completed at the front of the school. A new SmartLab will be installed in a renovated space at the school and new ventilator units will be installed. Work is slated to be completed by August 2022.
November 2022
Maplewood underwent renovations this past summer, including new flooring in some areas, new paint, the installation of the SmartLab in the library and an office upgrade. Because of long lead times on some products, the school is still waiting for some aluminum and glass in the new secure vestibule. Contractors are hoping this work can be completed over the winter break.
Meeker Elementary School
Proposed Repairs and Renovation in the 2019 Bond Issue
Meeker Elementary School underwent a complete renovation after it was flooded in November of 2017. There is no need at this time for any significant renovations and repairs, safety and secuirty upgrades or instructional upgrades.
Instructional/Career and College Preparation Upgrades
Each school will be provided funding for instructional upgrades to be determined through a collaborative process that will include the school community. Improvements could include STEM labs, project-based learning spaces, furniture, classroom modifications, fine arts equipment and supplies, health and wellness equipment and spaces ,or other capital improvements that support programs and students.
Bond Updates
November 2021
The Citizens Bond Oversight Committee approved an 18,000 square foot addition to Meeker Elementary School on the south side of the existing building. this addition will include regular classrooms and two preschool classrooms. This addition will eliminate the use of eight portable classrooms. DLR Architect Group is working o the design of this addition. A general contractor will be hired in November. This addition is paid for with proceeds from the bond sales.
June 2022
November 2022
Meeker is getting a significant addition of classrooms on the south side of the building. The addition will include eight classrooms, including two new preschool classrooms. This will result in the removal of eight temporary portable classrooms from the campus. The school hosted a beam topping ceremony on October 27 to mark the last steel beam that was placed in the new construction. The beam was painted white and students and staff put their painted handprints on the beam. The new addition is slated to be completed by August 2023.
June 2023
The six-classroom addition at Meeker Elementary School is nearly complete! It will be finished and ready for students by August. The addition includes two new preschool classrooms, as well as a designated preschool playground. These additional classrooms will allow all the portable modular buildings to be removed from the school site.
Monfort Elementary School
Proposed Repairs and Renovation in the 2019 Bond Issue
- Enhance safety and security, including improved entry
- Replace aging door hardware for improved function and security
- Remove and replace worn carpet and flooring, abate asbestos where needed
- Paint and refinish walls and ceilings based on greatest need
- Replace aging boiler and chiller
- Accessibility improvements in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Bond Updates
November 2022
Plans are being finalized to construct a new secure office and vestibule entrance at the front of Monfort, as well as renovate the existing building, including new flooring, paint and door hardware. Because of adjustments to create a boundary at Tointon Academy of Pre-Engineering, portable classrooms will no longer be needed and will be removed from the campus. Stay tuned for more information on this project!
June 2023
A new, secure front office will be added to the entrance area of Monfort this summer. Two classrooms at the front entrance will be renovated into the new office, with a secure vestibule. The existing office will be renovated into conference space, a clinic and a SmartLab. All classrooms and other spaces will get new paint, flooring and door hardware. This project is slated to be completed in August before the start of school.
October 2023
The new, secure entrance at Monfort Elementary School was under construction this summer. This also included moving the office to the front of the building, and relocating the classroom that had previously occupied that space. The entrance will be completed during the winter break, due to long lead times on aluminum and glass.
Renovations to the school's classrooms and SmartLab were completed last summer.
Northridge High School
Proposed Repairs and Renovation in the 2019 Bond Issue
- Replace worn and leaking roof
- Enhance safety and security, including improved entry
- Replace aging door hardware for improved function and security
- Remove and replace areas of worn carpet and flooring; abate asbestos where needed
- Paint and refinish walls and ceilings based on greatest need
- Upgrade heating ventilation and cooling systems; replace temperature control systems
- Address foundation issues
- Accessibility improvements in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Bond Updates
August 2021
November 2022
Renovations at Northridge High School will continue in the summer of 2023. The roof has already been replaced, and a new boiler and chiller will be installed. In addition, a new secure entrance vestibule will be constructed at the main entrance, on the west side of the school. The building will receive some new flooring, paint and door hardware will be replaced in classrooms. Several exterior doors will also be replaced. A commercial kitchen will be constructed at the school for students enrolled in the ProStart culinary program. This will include commercial grade stoves, ovens, sinks and other equipment for the Career and technical Education program. The Science, Technology, Engineering and Math programs will also receive some technology and curriculum updates. Most of this work will be completed by August of 2023.
June 2023
Northridge students will walk in a new secure west entrance at the school in August, as well as having all new flooring, paint and new STEM and ProStart culinary classrooms. A new secure vestibule entrance is being added on the west entrance and the main administrative office is being reoriented and remodeled. Several classrooms are being opened up to create a new STEM lab and learning area on the first floor. As well, the ProStart program is receiving a complete commercial kitchen.
October 2023
The office at Northridge High School is still being completed, and will include a double vestibule secure entrance. Finishing touches should be done this semester.
Extensive renovations occurred at the school over the summer, including new flooring, paint and door hardware in all classrooms.
The largest upgrade to the school is a new commercial-grade kitchen, which will be used by the ProStart classes. This culinary program will benefit from the professional equipment.
The school also received upgrades to its STEM labs and technology.
S. Christa McAuliffe STEM Academy
Design Advisory Group
A Design Advisory Group works with architects to help design major elements of a building or project. It is composed of people from the school's community, including staff, parents and students. The Design Advisory Group holds regular meetings throughout the project. Here is the membership for the McAuliffe STEM Academy Design Advisory Group:
Jeff Petersen, Principal
Amy Bustrum, Assistant Principal
Denise Brink, STEM Coordinator
Jessica Vincent, Attendance Secretary
Natalie Thill, Office Manager
Ashley Meyer, Primary Teacher
Madi Alison, Intermediate Teacher
Susan Starkey, 5th Grade Teacher
Trevor Pilgrim, 6th Grade Teacher
Ryan Thompson, 7th Grade Teacher
Dena Mawlawi, 8th Grade Teacher
Eileen Carey, K-4 SPED
Jared Omoto, 5-8 SPED
Terry Highfield, Specialist
Jeanette Cullup, Parent
Ally Johnson, Parent
Wesley Patch, Vestas
Bond Updates
January 2021
Construction is moving quickly at McAuliffe. This large addition to the school is on budget for $22 million and will include a new gymnasium, a new kindergarten wing and a two-story classroom addition. Renovations will also occur in the existing school. The school will be reoriented to put the main entrance facing 4th Street to the north, and student drop-off will occur on that side of the building. Additional parking space will be included. The project is projected to be complete in November.
August 2021
The summer of 2021 was very busy on the McAuliffe STEM Academy construction site. Renovations were completed on most of the classrooms on the interior of the school, including new paint and carpeting, some new ceiling tiles, and new classroom venting and air systems. The library of the school was gutted, making way for a new STEM Center. The existing gymnasium, which will become the auxiliary gym in the new school was completed including a new floor. This project is slated for completion in December 2021 and is on schedule. A public grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony is being planned and will be announced soon.
January 2022
It's finished!
The new 55,000-square-foot addition constructed on the north side of McAuliffe STEM Academy opened for business on January 4, welcoming students to new classrooms, cafeteria and gymnasium, as well as a new administrative office with a secure entrance. This large addition means that NO McAuliffe student will be educated in a portable building. All portable buildings still on site will be removed later this month. This addition also shifts the front door of the school to the north side of the building. All traffic to the school enters from 4th Street and then exits back to 4th Street heading east. This should relieve traffic congestion in residential neighborhoods to the west of the school. There is still some minor construction going on at the school that will continue for the next several weeks.
There will be a special event at the end of January to dedicate this new addition and to allow community members to tour the school. Stay tuned!
Scott Elementary School
Proposed Repairs and Renovation in the 2019 Bond Issue
- Enhance safety and security, including improved entry
- Replace aging door hardware for improved function and security
- Remove and replace worn carpet and flooring, abate asbestos where needed
- Paint and refinish walls and ceilings based on greatest need
- Accessibility improvements in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Bond Updates
November 2022
Renovation work will begin at Scott Elementary School in the summer of 2023. The school will get an improved entry way that will include a secure vestibule for visitors to enter. In addition, the former library will be transformed with the installation of a SmartLab, which provides project-based learning and teaches students to collaborate. The school will also receive new carpet and flooring, paint, door hardware and a new floor for the gymnasium. This project should be completed by August of 2023.
June 2023
Renovations are underway at Scott Elementary this summer. The school will be receiving new carpeting and flooring, paint, door hardware, a secure vestibule entrance and a new gym floor! Say goodbye to the carpeted gym! The library will be remodeled and a SmartLab will be installed. All work is slated to be finished by the start of school in August 2023.
October 2023
Renovations were completed at Scott Elementary this summer including new carpet and flooring, door hardware and a new gymnasium floor. No more carpeting in the gym! The library was also remodeled and a SmartLab was installed after school started.
The secure vestibule entrance will be completed over winter break.
The Tointon Academy of Pre-Engineering
Greeley-Evans School District 6 is developing a design for a new Preschool through 8th grade school to accommodate approximately 900 students. The school will be located near the Boomerang Golf Course at the intersection of 71st Avenue and 4th Street. District 6 negotiated with Banner Health for the purchase of the property, which included trading property with Banner Health that the District owned near Promontory.
The Design Advisory Groups for this new school has been meeting since April, and the preliminary design of the school is completed. A request for bids for construction of the new school will go out in November.
Pre-engineering will be the focus of the new school. Classes and curriculum will include the basic principles of engineering, and students will have the opportunity to explore careers in engineering-related fields. District 6 is hoping to partner with a Colorado university to provide support for the engineering focus. The district will work to attract students to this school who are underrepresented in the field of engineering, including students of color and female students.
On October 26, the Board of Education voted unanimously to name this school the Tointon Academy of Pre-Engineering after Bob and Betty Tointon. A naming committee met four times to whittle down 70 suggested names submitted through a community survey. Bob and Betty Tointon have been strong supporters of public education in District 6. Please see the article below on the naming.
The cost of construction, land acquisition and preparation, and furnishing the new school is estimated at $60 million. Roche Constructors, whose corporate offices are located across the street from the new school site, was awarded the contract for construction o fthis new school in early November.
This new school is slated to open in the Fall of 2022.
Architect: DLR Group, Denver
Contractor: Roche Constructors, Greeley
Design Advisory Group
Kristi Brown, Assistant Principal of Heath Middle School
Tony Czech, Director of OIT
Kristi Dunbar, Office Manager of Chappelow Arts Middle School
David Edwards, Teacher at Fred Tjardes K-8
Jessica Fernandez, Social Worker at Maplewood Elementary School
Stacey Gershwin, SpEd/PS Coordinator
Cassie Gonzales, Teacher at Meeker Elementary School
Jenny Henriksen, Assistant Principal of Scott Elementary School
Kent Hensen, Assistant Superintendent of Support Services
Theresa Myers, Chief of Communications
Annette Overton, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Jeff Petersen, Principal of McAuliffe K-8 School
Deirdre Pilch, Superintendent of Schools
Anne Ramirez, Principal of Heiman Elementary School
Meggan Sponsler, Chief Academic Office
Lacey Swirn, Teacher at Monfort Elementary School
Wes Tuttle, Assistant Superintendent of Elmentary & K-8
Tanya Vanmeter, Parent
Larea Warden, Teacher at Winograd K-8 School
Bond Updates
January 2021
The city of Greeley and District 6 have reached an agreement to swap land from the Boomerang Golf Course, which will result in the moving of three golf holes. This will allow Tointon Academy to be located off 71st Avenue with multiple access points. Grading of the site will begin this month. Roche Constructors will be the contractor for the school. The internal and site design for Tointon Academy is complete.
March 2021
An official ground breaking ceremony for the new Tointon Academy of Pre-Engineering was held Wednesday, March 30 at the site of the school in West Greeley.
The new preschool-8th grade academy is named after Bob and Betty Tointon, who have been strong supporters of public education in Greeley and Evans. Construction of the school is being funded through the 2019 Bond Issue approved by voters. This is the first new non-charter school - that is not a replacement school - to be built in District 6 in 20 years.
“The Tointon’s support of public education has been nothing short of heroic,” said Greeley-Evans School District 6 Superintendent Deirdre Pilch. “I am proud and honored that Bob Tointon agreed to allow his family’s name to be used for this new school.”
August 2021
The Tointon Academy of Pre-Engineering project near Boomerang Golf Course is going up quickly. It is estimated that the final steel beam on the project will be placed in mid-October. District 6 and The City of Greeley have amended their Intergovernmental Agreement for the property switch, so that the transfer of land will take place on December 31. The District agreed to this to allow the city to play golf on their holes as long as possible. New holes are being constructed on the west side of Boomerang Golf Course. Contractors will begin excavating the golf holes in January to begin construction on the new parking lot and entrance to the school. A principal for Tointon Academy should be hired by the end of October. A committee will begin meeting in September to select school colors, mascot and other graphics to be used in the building.
January 2022
Construction of The Tointon Academy of Pre-Engineering is moving along on schedule. The school's new Principal Justin Ungeheuer, the former principal at Monfort Elementary School, is working along with his new administrative team to interview and hire staff for the school. All teachers will be trained in the new Project Lead the Way curriculum, which helps integrate engineering concepts across content areas at all grade levels. Training will occur in June and August.
This month, District 6 will take possession of the three golf holes adjacent to the school. This will allow contractors to begin constructing the parking lot on the east side of the school.
Also, did you know there will be a full-sized airplane hanging from the ceiling in the Tointon Academy? Roche Constructors helped secure this plane. The engine and most of the insides will be removed before the airplane is attached to the ceiling.
May 2022
The Tointon Academy of Pre-Engineering is in the final stages of construction. The exterior of the building is nearly complete and most of the focus is on the interior. A parking lot and entry is being constructed to the east of the building.
Playing fields are already in at the school. These fields will be utilized by other schools as well as Tointon for sports practices and games.
Construction is on schedule and the school is set to open in August. A ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held in mid-August. Tours for parents and new students will be held before the school opens.
Principal Justin Ungeheuer and his administrative team have been busy hiring teachers and staff for the school, which is now completed. Enrollment at the school is full and those who didn't successfully complete open-enrollment will be placed on a waiting list.
June 2022
Contractors are working hard to put the final touches on the school before it opens in August. In early June, workers installed the airplane that now hangs in the commons of the school. Items that were delayed due to supply chain issues, such as aluminum framed doors and security glass, are being installed. The parking lot is being paved and landscaping is being completed. Playgrounds are ready for students on the west side of the building. The ribbon cutting for the new school is tentatively scheduled for August 18, and will be followed by a public open house and tours.
Shawsheen Elementary School
Proposed Repairs and Renovation in the 2019 Bond Issue
- Enhance safety and security, including improved entry
- Replace aging door hardware for improved function and security
- Remove and replace worn carpet and flooring, abate asbestos where needed
- Paint and refinish walls and ceilings based on greatest need
- Upgrade heating, ventilation and cooling systems
- Accessibility improvements in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Bond Updates
November 2022
Preliminary plans are underway to construct a small addition at Shawsheen Elementary School. Using proceeds from the sale of the bonds, four additional classrooms will be constructed, as well as a new secure office at the front of the school. This will allow for the removal of portable classrooms at the site. Stay tuned for more information about this project!
June 2023
Shawsheen Elementary is getting a new addition! With proceeds from the sale of bonds back in 2019, this project was approved by the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee. The addition will include four new classrooms and will bring the office area to the front of the building with a secure vestibule entrance. This addition will allow four portable modular classrooms to be eliminated from the site. Construction of this project will continue through the school year.
October 2023
Construction at Shawsheen will be completed in three phases. During this summer, the interior classrooms were renovated with new door hardware, carpet and paint.
Construction also began on the four-classroom addition on the south side of the school and a new office and entrance on the north side of the building. These additions are slated to be complete in December.
In the summer of 2024, the current office space will be renovated into smaller offices and a SmartLab.
These renovations and additions will result in four portable classrooms being removed from this site.