Program Overview
The FAMILIES IN TRANSITION PROGRAM is designed to remove barriers that inhibit a homeless student from attending and succeeding in their educational environment. School District 6 partners with community agencies to provide necessary services that may not be readily available while a family is in a transitional living situation.
Families and students may be referred to the program through a school contact, community agency, a family member, or friend.
Intakes can occur over the phone, in office, or at the child's school. Once a family is determined to be eligible for services under the program, the services are available for the duration of the current school year.
Who can be assisted
The McKinney-Vento Federal program assists children who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. Students must be enrolled and attending school in Greeley-Evans School District 6.
Temporary housing situations may include:
- Families temporarily doubled-up with other family members or friends.
- Students who are not in the physical custody of a parent or legal guardian.
- Families temporarily staying in a motel, hotel, transitional shelter or safe house.
- Families or students living in cars, parks, camp areas, or locations not designed with typical living conditions.
How to be enrolled
Anyone can fill out the referral form for the families in Transition Program: school contacts, community agencies, case managers, family members, and friends.
- Referral forms are in the main offices at the schools, in the Family Center, and upon request.
- Fill out the form as completely as possible and return to the Family Center.
- A staff member for the program will contact the family/student and conduct an intake.
- If the family/student qualifies, services will begin immediately.
Available Services
Choice of School
Children and youth who become homeless can choose to continue in the school they were attending before becoming homeless, or they may attend the school in the attendance area. The decision will be based on the best interest of the child.
Free Breakfasts and Lunches
Students who are determined to be in a transitional living situation will be automatically enrolled in free breakfasts and lunches for the duration of the current school year.
School Transportation
School District 6 bus transportation or City of Greeley bus passes are available to transport students to and from school while living in a transitional situation.
School Supplies
Assistance with school supplies and/or a backpack are available once per school year.
School Uniforms
Available upon request, uniforms will be provided from the program or the school.
Community Referrals
Regardless if a family qualifies for services or not, they will receive community information regarding their needs.
Student Fees
Fees incurred during the school year may be waived, significantly reduced, or paid for by the program.
Food 4 Students Backpack Program
School District 6 partners with the Weld Food Bank to provide optional packs of nutritional food to students for the weekends.
Basic Toiletry Supplies
A variety of items are available upon request.
Law Regulations
Immediate Enrollment
Students must not be delayed in enrolling or attending school; regardless of length of time to obtain previous school records, immunization records, proof of address, or proof of guardianship.
Dispute Resolution
If a student is not sent to the school of origin, the program will provide a written explanation of decision and a right to appeal.
Educational Rights and Responsibilities
Every school has purple posters that outline the rights and responsibilities of children experiencing homelessness.