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Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan





The District 6 Mission, Vision, Values and Beliefs were adopted by the Board of Education in May 2020 and they finalized the Focus Areas and Goals for the new plan shortly after. A Steering Committee comprised of district leaders began work identifying the Objectives and Outcomes in the fall of 2020, and in early 2021, a large team with community-wide representation came together to begin creating the action plans that were launched to the Greeley-Evans community during the 2021-2022 school year. Frequent updates about the work outlined in Innovation2030 are made to the Board of Education at their BUSINESS MEETINGS AND WORK SESSIONS.


District 6 engages every student in a personalized, well-rounded and excellent education, preparing students to be college and career-ready. 


District 6 engages, empowers and inspires today's students in partnership with families and communities to succeed in tomorrow's world.

Values & Beliefs

  • Our students come first.
  • We know every child can achieve.
  • We believe diversity is a strength.
  • We ensure safe, secure and healthy schools.
  • We build positive relationships with students, families and communities.
  • We promote access, opportunity and choice.
  • We commit to hiring and retaining quality staff.
  • We commit to excellence, innovation and continuous improvement.

Focus Areas

District 6 engages all students in a challenging and personalized education, preparing each student to be career and college ready.

District 6 enhances student success by communicating, engaging and collaborating with our communities and school partners.

District 6 cultivates a safe, healthy and inclusive learning environment for all, embracing our diversity and engaging all stakeholders.

OPERATIONAL & ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESSDistrict 6 ensures innovation, transparency and accountability to our community through measurable outcomes and continuous improvement.


The work of a school district is complex, requiring a detailed and responsive strategic plan with a strong foundation. The District 6 strategic plan is collaboratively created, incorporating the voices and responding to the needs of the Greeley-Evans community. The Mission, Vision, Values and Beliefs lay the foundation for Innovation2030 and provide a strong focus for the work. The plan itself is layered and each tier is increasingly detailed (Goals > Tasks). An accountability structure (Outcomes and Measures) is built into the plan, assuring progress is made and identified.