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Plan Overview

Student Learning and Achievement
District 6 engages all students in a challenging and personalized education, preparing each student to be career and college ready.

Provide a personalized learning experience so all students graduate on time and are career and college ready


Align our system to meet grade-level requirements and graduation competencies through personalized learning plans for all students.


Scores for the state math and English language arts assessment will improve annually in 3rd through 8th grades.

Increase the on-time graduation rate.

Increase student participation in career pathways and respond to industry, business and community needs.

Personalized learning plans for students will include a career or college pathway and academic course of study so students can meet their individual goals.


Implement consistent and coherent aligned curriculum, assessment and instructional practices that are research-based to ensure all students learn

Support educator instructional practices to promote access and equity for all students across the district.

Educators who have been in the district for three or more years will demonstrate proficiency on the Educator Effectiveness Professional Practices.

Develop and implement an Artificial Intelligence Task Force.

Align grade level targets with curriculum, standards and assessment to support educators in instructional planning and curriculum adoption.

All schools will be at improvement status or higher based on the state accountability system, with most schools achieving the highest ranking.

Implement a professional development plan that supports educators to ensure quality teaching and learning.

All educators in the district will create and execute a professional development plan that meets their learning needs to improve student achievement.


Climate and Culture
District 6 cultivates a safe, healthy and inclusive learning environment for all, embracing our diversity and engaging all stakeholders.
Develop cultural responsiveness throughout the organization


Cultivate a strong sense of belonging and empowerment for all students and staff.


Students and staff will respond with a strong sense of belonging and empowerment on annual surveys. 

Provide access to and support for learning opportunities so all students will be career and college ready.

Graduation data will improve for students across all demographic areas.

Demonstrate culturally-responsive practices throughout the district.

Students will respond positively to the annual student survey regarding equitable learning environments.

All staff will be trained in culturally-responsive practices.


Support the social, emotional and physical well-being of students and staff


Develop and implement a district-wide plan to teach and embed social and emotional learning practices in all schools.


All schools will have action steps to address social and 
emotional learning in their annual improvement plan.

Students will respond positively that their well-being is supported in their school as indicated on the annual student survey.

Develop, align and implement a plan to improve staff social and emotional wellness.

Staff will respond positively that their well-being is supported in their workplace as indicated on the annual staff survey.

Update the district-wide plan for crisis response.

Fully implement district safety and security measures.


Operational Header
District 6 ensures innovation, transparency and accountability to our community through measurable outcomes and continuous improvement.
Align district resources to meet the needs of all students and staff


Align and leverage local, state and national financial resources to provide equitable and quality learning environments.


Annually, the District will receive a clean audit opinion from 
an independent audit firm on its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.

Ensure financial transparency of all district expenditures.

Implement the Facility Master Plan, which includes all maintenance, renovation and school replacement projects recommended throughout the school district and plans for future growth.

Implement school boundary adjustments identified in the 2021 boundary study.

Complete all projects outlined in the 2019 bond issue including additional projects with bond proceeds as approved by the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee.

Conduct facility audit and update the Facility Master Plan.

Utilize the updated Facility Master Plan for a future bond issue to address ongoing facility and capacity needs.


Maximize the recruitment, hiring and retention of all employees in the district


Develop and implement a recruitment plan that builds a qualified and diverse workforce that is representative of the Greeley-Evans community.


Increase the overall candidate pool for all District 6 positions.  Annually increase the diversity of candidates interviewed for District 6 jobs.

Develop and implement a plan to hire a qualified and diverse workforce that is representative of the Greeley-Evans community.

Annually increase the diversity of employees to reflect the student demographics in District 6.

Develop and implement an employee retention program.

Annually outperform the state average retention rate for all employees.  Annually increase retention rates district-wide for all employee groups.


Strengthening Partnerships
District 6 enhances student success by communicating, engaging and collaborating
with our communities and school partners.
Strengthen relationships with parents and families


Develop and implement a comprehensive, district-wide family partnership plan that will be utilized at every District 6 school.

Develop and implement a staff training to partner with families to fulfill the district-wide family partnership plan.


Schools will include and implement a family engagement goal or strategy in the annual improvement plan for their school. 

Families will indicate they are satisfied with the climate of their school, as indicated on the annual parent survey.

School-based staff will be trained in effectively creating family partnerships and will use those strategies to support student learning and achievement.


Communicate and collaborate with external stakeholders including business, local government and community organizations

Develop and implement a district-wide plan to partner with businesses, community groups and individuals.

Develop and implement a plan for students and staff to contribute to the community.

Schools and district departments will implement the district-wide community partnership plan.

District 6 will support volunteerism by documenting and annually increasing the number of students and staff who engage in service to the community.