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Dr. Deidre Pilch

Dr. Deirdre Pilch is superintendent of Greeley-Evans School District 6, hired in 2015 after the Board of Education conducted a national search. With more than years of experience in public education, Dr. Pilch has served in many roles, including teacher, assistant principal, principal, curriculum director, assistant superintendent, and deputy superintendent in Wyoming, Missouri and Colorado. 

Dr. Pilch is deeply devoted to ensuring every student graduates on time with the skills they need to enter college or a career. She has lead the district in its strategic planning process, resulting in Innovation2020, and is leading a revision of the plan, which will become Innovation2030. She is a firm believer in the consensus model of shared decision making and is committed to ensuring equity and access for all students.

Dr. Pilch completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Wyoming and holds a Masters degree and an Educational Specialist degree in secondary school administration from the University of Central Missouri. Her Doctorate of Education is in Educational Policy and Leadership from the University of Kansas. Dr. Pilch currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Success Foundation, Greeley Chamber of Commerce, United Way of Weld County, Northern Colorado Health Alliance, Longs Peak Council of the Boy Scouts of America, and is a member of the Downtown Greeley Rotary Club. 

She can be reached at (970) 348-6012 or at DPILCH@GREELEYSCHOOLS.ORG.