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Why Volunteer With Us?

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Volunteers at District 6 work together with parents, teachers and staff members to help students realize their full potential.  District 6 knows it takes a village to raise a child, and is committed to engaging family and community members in the essential work of supporting our kids' academic, social and emotional development from early childhood to early adulthood.  Each District 6 school collaborates with volunteers differently to address their unique needs, and everyone benefits from this partnership.

Our Volunteers Gain:

  • Personal satisfaction from helping children learn
  • First-hand knowledge of how our schools educate students
  • Opportunities to meet new people
  • Work experience that may lead to future employment

Our Students Gain:

  • Academic support in individual and small group settings
  • New skills and experiences through participation in athletics, the arts and other extracurricular activities
  • Relationships with kind and caring adult role models
  • Experiential learning opportunities through field trips and programs facilitated by community-based educators

Our Schools Gain:

  • Passionate, hard-working people who donate their time, energy and skills to enhance student learning and increase organizational effectiveness
  • Parents, families and community members who value and support their students’ education
  • Mutually-beneficial partnerships with local colleges, businesses, nonprofit agencies, worship centers and service groups
  • Knowledgeable, enthusiastic and dedicated public education advocates

Our Communities Gain:

  • Well-educated students entering the workforce and pursuing higher education
  • Effective schools that attract new residents and foster economic development
  • Mutually-beneficial partnerships with schools

Getting Started:  

We encourage prospective volunteers to contact any District 6 school to learn more about available and potential service opportunities.  All volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and complete an online volunteer application (see the menu for this page), which includes passing a criminal background check, prior to serving at District 6.  Please review the VOLUNTEER PROGRAM POLICIES and FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS pages to learn more about volunteer requirements and expectations.  If you have additional questions or need further assistance, please contact Jamie Bowker, Administrative Assistant to the District 6's Business and Community Partnerships Administrator at (970) 348-6278 or JBOWKER@GREELEYSCHOOLS.ORG  

"Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela